Archive: 2019

Sept. 5, 2019

Quick-reaction FET shows off skills at EL19

The first three dots appear in the sky, followed by the distinct sound of the blades of UH-60 Blackhawks cutting through the silence. Sand flies through the air, like waves, as the helicopters come closer to the ground. There they drop-off service members who bound and get set in a security perimeter. As they watch, another set of UH-Blackhawks land and deliver more personnel into the desert near Amman, Jordan, on Sept. 2.

Sept. 5, 2019

Cyber stars: JAF, US partnership foils attacks during EL19

It wasn’t part of the plan, but the team faced down the bad guys when they came knocking. Twice. And twice they foiled them, protecting the participants of Exercise Eager Lion 19 from real-world threats.

Aug. 29, 2019

American, Jordanian soldiers conduct medevac training

Jordanian and American soldiers partnered together to conduct medical evacuation drills for the first time with a U.S. Army Reserve aviation asset during several days in August.

Aug. 26, 2019

Proper planning provides successful foundation for Eager Lion 19

The field commanders from U.S. and Jordanian land forces participating in Eager Lion 19 came together for the first time during an initial planning conference in the heart of the Jordanian desert Aug. 19. The meeting between senior leaders from the U.S. Army’s 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division and 1st Squadron, 102nd Cavalry Regiment, and Jordan’s 6th Border Guard and 39th Mechanized Infantry Battalion, was an opportunity to synchronize the training expectations for each unit ahead of the coalition exercise.

Aug. 22, 2019

‘Flying Tigers’ bound into Eager Lion

By seeking every training opportunity available while supporting U.S. Army Central’s Task Force Spartan, TF Javelin troops have distinguished themselves since arriving to the Middle East in April.

Aug. 20, 2019

Bahrain King Visits Naval Forces Central Command

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the King of the Kingdom of Bahrain, visited the headquarters of Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT), August 19.

Aug. 19, 2019

Peshmerga forces train to counter IED threat

Zeravani soldiers conducted Counter-Improvised Explosive Device training exercises at Bnaslawa Training Center near Erbil, Iraq, July 25, 2019. An Italian Army C-IED Mobile Training Team trained the soldiers to detect and defeat explosive hazards commonly found on the battlefield.

Aug. 16, 2019

Mine countermeasures ships operation

The mine countermeasures ships USS Sentry (MCM 3), USS Devastator (MCM 6), USS Gladiator (MCM 11), and USS Dextrous (MCM 13) completed operations July 5-18 in the Arabian Gulf.

Aug. 16, 2019

122nd in Afghanistan is there to tell the Guard’s story

Messaging is a key component in winning the hearts and minds of those in the Middle East, as well as ensuring people back home stay informed about what’s happening overseas. On May 30, the 122nd Public Affairs Operations Center of the Washington Army National Guard mobilized for active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Aug. 12, 2019

Agile Lightning demonstrates nimble operations

Directly aligned with the 2018 National Defense Strategy’s call to be strategically predictable but operationally unpredictable, F-35A Lightning IIs from the 4th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron  participated in Exercise Agile Lightning, Aug. 4-7, 2019.“Exercise Agile Lightning is a demonstration of the agile basing concepts practiced by U.S. Air