Archive: October, 2011

Oct. 31, 2011

Insurgents face unrelenting pressure in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (October 27, 2011) — Insurgents fighting against the Afghan government and people can end their violent ways and rejoin their communities or face unrelenting pressure, a senior International Security Assistance Force commander said today.

Oct. 31, 2011

Convoys truck equipment out of Iraq

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq (October 28, 2011) — The number of convoys leaving Iraq is growing each day as Operation New Dawn nears the end of its mission.

Oct. 28, 2011

640th ASB wraps up its mission for Operation New Dawn

CAMP TAJI, Iraq (October 26, 2011) — The 640th Aviation Support Battalion, a California National Guard unit deployed here in support of Operation New Dawn, is preparing to split its operations between Iraq and Kuwait before finally heading home.

Oct. 27, 2011

U.S., Iraq move toward normal military relations

WASHINGTON (October 24, 2011) — U.S. and Iraqi officials are working toward the kind of standard military-to-military relations that the United States has with many other countries around the world, a Pentagon spokesman said today.

Oct. 27, 2011

Airstrike destroys IED facility in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (October 24, 2011) — Coalition forces called in an airstrike to destroy an insurgent compound in the Sangin district of Afghanistan’s Helmand province yesterday, military officials reported.

Oct. 25, 2011

Afghan Government, Coalition partnership improves logistics throughout Khowst, Paktya

PAKTYA PROVINCE, Afghanistan (October 23, 2011) — It is never easy keeping soldiers equipped and ready for battle, but the growing logistical partnership between the Afghan National Army and Coalition forces make the process of outfitting soldiers easier and more efficient.

Oct. 24, 2011

Afghan women start small business, aid in COIN operations

ZABUL PROVINCE, Afghanistan (October 21, 2011) — Members of the Virginia Army National Guard’s 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Joint Sustainment Command – Afghanistan, and Provincial Reconstruction Team Zabul conducted a foot patrol through the Qalat bazaar Oct. 19 to visit a compound where two local women have started an almond and raisin-cleaning business with funds received from a small-business grant.

Oct. 21, 2011

Combined force detains multiple insurgent suspects

WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 20, 2011) — A combined Afghan and coalition security force today detained multiple suspected insurgents during a search for a Taliban leader in the Wali Muhammad Shahid Khugyani district of Afghanistan’s Ghazni province, military officials reported.

Oct. 18, 2011

Insurgent failures mark start of winter operations in eastern Afghanistan

BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan (October 16, 2011) — Tactical mistakes by insurgents in eastern Afghanistan over the past weeks resulted in at least three failed attacks against Afghan and coalition targets.

Oct. 17, 2011

U.S. forces have met all obligations in Iraq, general says

WASHINGTON (October 12, 2011) — U.S. forces are completely on track to make a total military withdrawal from Iraq by the end of the year, even while U.S. and Iraqi officials discuss the possibility of some staying longer, U.S. Forces Iraq's spokesman and director of strategic effects said today.