Archive: April, 2010

April 29, 2010

Entire 101st Airborne headed to Afghanistan within year

WASHINGTON (April 28, 2010) — Throughout 2010 and 2011, more than 20,000 Soldiers from Fort Campbell's 101st Airborne Division will deploy to Afghanistan, the first time an entire Army division has deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom within one year.

April 27, 2010

Gates satisfied with U.S. plans to counter Iran

WASHINGTON, April 27, 2010 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates today expressed satisfaction with the level of planning by the Defense Department and other elements of the U.S. government to counter threats from Iran.

April 26, 2010

Dakota the bomb-sniffing dog survives firefight

CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan – The black labrador retriever named Dakota, laid on the floor with a blood-seeped gauze taped to her hip, letting out a melancholic cry when her handler moved out of her sight.

April 26, 2010

Afghan civilians, government join forces to defeat and remove Taliban

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 27, 2010) - Gizab district, locked centrally in the Hazarajet region of Afghanistan, recently was the scene of community resolve and determination when citizens took action to remove a Taliban threat from their village.

April 25, 2010

First AF-PAK Hands grads deploy overseas

servicemembers have completed a rigorous 16-week training program consisting of culture and intensive language training at the Defense Language Institute, in Monterey, Calif., followed by service-specific deployment training.

April 21, 2010

Iraqis make security progress as war winds down

WASHINGTON (April 21, 2010) – The past week was a very good one for security progress in Iraq, with two al-Qaida leaders being killed in an Iraqi-led operation, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said Wednesday.

April 20, 2010

Volcanic ash reroutes transport of wounded from Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (April 20, 2010) – Ash from an Icelandic volcano limiting European air traffic has forced the U.S. military to reroute some American troops wounded in Afghanistan through Iraq instead of Germany, a military official said today.

April 19, 2010

Mullen praises Iraqi efforts against AQI

PITTSBURGH (April 19, 2010) – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff echoed Vice President Joe Biden’s praise Sunday of Iraqi and U.S. security forces for successfully killing the two top leaders of al-Qaida in Iraq early Saturday.

April 18, 2010

ISAF supports Afghan elections

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 17, 2010) - The NATO Senior Civilian Representative for Afghanistan, Ambassador Mark Sedwill, congratulated the Government and Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan today for their agreement on managing the upcoming parliamentary elections.

April 16, 2010

Airmen deliver medical supplies to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

MANAS, Kyrgyzstan — Airmen delivered medical supplies and food to two Bishkek hospitals April 15, 2010, and visited with patients who were injured last week in Kyrgyzstan.