Archive: 2008

Aug. 28, 2008

U.S., Pakistani leaders build relationship

WASHINGTON (August 28, 2008) – U.S. and Pakistani military leaders continued their ongoing dialogue about the war on terrorism.

Aug. 27, 2008

Anbar handover could free Marines for Afghanistan missions, general says

WASHINGTON (August 27, 2008) – Iraq’s once-deadly Anbar province could become the 11th province to be turned over to Iraqi control.

Aug. 26, 2008

Conference focuses on future of ISF

BAGHDAD, Iraq (August 26, 2008) – Coalition military leaders and Iraqi army commanders convene a one-day conference on the future of the ISF.

Aug. 25, 2008

Pacesetters offer microgrants, security while patrolling streets of Sha’ab

BAGHDAD, Iraq (August 26, 2008) – Much potential is seen during a routine patrol in northern Baghdad.

Aug. 20, 2008

Formerly violent Afghan district dubbed 'peaceful'

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan (August 13, 2008) — Government and military leaders, international representatives, and villagers packed into the common area of the new Anaba District Center in Panjshir province, Afghanistan, Aug. 11, to celebrate the naming of their district as "peaceful."

Aug. 19, 2008

'Normalcy' returning to Kirkuk village

Staff Sgt. Cole Abernethy and Maj. Peter Colt play with Iraqi children in Gaydah village, in Kirkuk province, northeastern Iraq. The Soldiers met with village leaders, Aug. 13 to discuss current developments and civil service projects that will benefit the area. KIRKUK, Iraq (August 19, 2008) — In the southern Rishad valley of Kirkuk province lies

Aug. 17, 2008

Iraqi troops fill Georgians' security role

FOB DELTA — A brigade of Iraqi troops offered their help to maintain security in Wasit province after Gergian troops left Iraq.

Aug. 14, 2008

Iraqi, American city councils share ideas on local government

HANSCOM AFB, Mass. (Aug. 12, 2008) — The Hanscom Video Teleconference Center has been the site of many different types of meetings over the years, from discussions between Electronic Systems Center officials and others within the Air Force to holiday greetings between deployed members and their loved ones. But on Aug. 10, the Hanscom VTC became the site of a unique civics lesson between members of the New Bedford, Mass., City Council and approximately 30 city and town officials from various districts in Iraq.

Aug. 13, 2008

U.S. troops bring safe water to Kenyans

GARISSA, Kenya (Aug. 13, 2008) — Members of Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa joined Kenyan Ministry of Defense personnel, municipality leaders and the people of the villages of Shabah and Delolo to celebrate the dedication of two new wells.

Aug. 12, 2008

Georgian troops return to troubled homeland

WASHINGTON (Aug. 12, 2008) – The United States has redeployed some 2,000 Georgian troops from Iraq to their home country, where a contingent of fewer than 100 American military personnel remain, a Defense Department spokesman said Tuesday.