Archive: 2012

Nov. 8, 2012

31 service members deployed to Afghanistan earn U.S. citizenship

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan (Nov. 7, 2012) — Patriotism means many things to different people. In fact, it has even taken on a political connotation during the past few years. For service members deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, it means a long journey has finally come to fruition.

Nov. 1, 2012

25th CAB medevac crew receives Australian award

MULTINATIONAL BASE TARIN KOT, Afghanistan (Nov. 1, 2012) — Australian Forces at Multinational Base Tarin Kot, Afghanistan, recognized the actions of a medical evacuation crew from Company C, 3rd Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment, Task Force Gunfighters, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, during an awards ceremony, Oct. 18.

Oct. 31, 2012

Army NCO Destroys IEDs in Afghanistan

PAKTIKA PROVINCE, Afghanistan (Oct. 30, 2012) — Deployed Army Sgt. Bradley Toman looks back at the last 12 years of his military career with fond memories and as an encouraging way ahead for his family and soldiers.

Oct. 29, 2012

USS Ponce Rescues Bahraini Fishermen In Gulf Hail Storm

NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY, Bahrain — Seven Bahraini fishermen foundering in their boats amid a hailstorm were rescued by Afloat Forward Staging Base(Interim) USS Ponce (AFSB(I) 15) off the coast of Bahrain, Oct. 29.

Oct. 24, 2012

Commander: Afghan Forces Gaining Capability, Respect

WASHINGTON (October 23, 2012) — Comparing insider attacks in Afghanistan to the desperate suicide missions Kamikaze pilots launched during World War II, a Marine commander in southwestern Afghanistan said the insurgents have failed to put a wedge between the coalition and the increasingly capable Afghan forces preparing to assume full security responsibility there.

Oct. 22, 2012

Vietnam veteran continues service in Afghanistan

LOGAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan (Oct. 21, 2012) — Ask Chief Warrant Officer 4 Walter Jones why he serves and he will tell you, It's all about flying and Soldiers.

Oct. 19, 2012

Afghan Air Force pins wings on first fixed-wing class grads

SHINDAND, AFGHANISTAN (October 19, 2012) — Three Afghan Air Force pilot trainees became not only the first fixed-wing students to earn their wings in Afghanistan after 30 years -- on Oct. 15 they became the first pilots to complete the entire fixed-wing program entirely in Afghanistan since the beginning of the NATO air training mission for Afghanistan in 2007.

Oct. 18, 2012

Guardsman teaches teachers in Afghanistan

FOB SPIN BOLDAK, Afghanistan (Oct. 17, 2012) — From a New York classroom to a meeting room in the middle of Afghanistan, Sgt. Andrew Brechko never stops teaching.

Oct. 17, 2012

Airmen deliver aid 'outside the wire'

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan (October 17, 2012) — Humanitarian aid missions conjure up images of Airmen air-dropping supplies to austere locations too hazardous to deliver by trucks or convoy; images of smiling villagers eagerly awaiting much needed vittles and supplies, but not all HA missions in Afghanistan require airlift, some require simply putting rubber to road and heading out to the location.

Oct. 15, 2012

Patrols increasing confidence of Afghan Army

COMBAT OUTPOST GARDA, Afghanistan — As task forces across Afghanistan continue to adjust to their role as trainers, mentors and enablers, the members of the Afghan National Security Forces are also learning to adjust.