
June 17, 2022

READOUT: U.S. CENTCOM Commander meets with Tajikistan President, Defense Minister, and Chief of General Staff, June 17th, 2022

On June 15th and 16th, U.S. Central Command commander Gen. Erik Kurilla met with leadership from Tajikistan, including President Rahmon, Minister of Defense General Colonel Sherali Mirzo, and Chief of the General Staff General Lieutenant Emomali Sobirzoda.

June 16, 2022

READOUT: Gen. Kurilla engages with leaders from the Kyrgyz Republic

On Tuesday, June 14th and Wednesday, June 15th, General Erik Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central command, engaged with leaders from the Kyrgyz Republic, including: Foreign Policy Advisor Muratbek Azymbakiev; Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeenbek Kulubaev; Minister of Defense General Lieutenant Baktybek Bekbolotov; and First Deputy Minister of Defense Colonel Taalaibek Usubaliev.

June 14, 2022

Statement from Gen. Erik Kurilla after meeting with Uzbekistan Defense Officials

Today, I had a great series of engagements here in Tashkent, with President Mirziyoyev, General-Lieutenant Makhmudov, General Lieutenant Qurbonov, General Major Khalmuhamedov, and the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan. These were important, high-level discussions regarding the major topics of concern for both militaries.

June 13, 2022

READOUT: U.S. CENTCOM Commander meets with Kazakhstan's Defense Minister

U.S. Central Command commander Gen. Erik Kurilla met with Kazakhstan’s Minister of Defense Ruslan Zhaksylykov June 11, 2022. The leaders discussed mutual security concerns and opportunities to expand defense cooperation in the Central Asian region.

TAMPA, Fla. May 30, 2022

U.S. Central Command Statement on Two Merchant Vessels Seized by IRGCN in the Arabian Gulf

On May 27 at approximately 3 p.m. local, two Greek-flagged merchant vessels were seized while transiting international waters in the Arabian Gulf. The vessels then were moved into Iranian territorial waters. The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) has claimed responsibility. The IRGCN's actions are contrary to international law and disruptive to regional security and stability.

May 20, 2022

READOUT – Gen. Erik Kurilla visits Lebanon

General Erik Kurilla, U.S. Central Command commander, met with Gen. Joseph Aoun, Armed Forces Commander of Lebanon, May 20. The leaders reaffirmed cooperation between the two nations’ militaries, supporting the shared training and logistic goals of their forces, and countering threats in the region. During the visit, a military cooperation agreement was reached and signed between the Lebanese government and the United States to further maintain security, stability and border protection in the region.

May 19, 2022

CENTCOM Commander meets with Qatar Armed Forces Chief of Staff, May 17th, 2022

U.S. Central Command commander Gen. Erik Kurilla met with Qatar Armed Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. (Pilot) Salem Bin Hamad Al-Nabit 17 May 2022. The leaders discussed security concerns, the ongoing partnership between each nation’s militaries and maintaining the momentum of defensive collaboration. “This is a critically important strategic partnership for the U.S., for Qatar and for the region,” Kurilla said. “This is a relationship that dates back more than 50 years at the onset of Qatari independence from the United Kingdom.” “Our militaries were working together even before the formation of CENTCOM,” he said. Our militaries share a vision for integrated deterrence to address threats confronting the region that will continue and even strengthen into the future.”

May 19, 2022

READOUT - Gen. Kurilla meets with Jordan Armed Forces Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

U.S. Central Command commander Gen. Erik Kurilla met with Jordan Armed Forces Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Maj. Gen. Youssef Ahmed Al-Hanaiti in Amman, May 19. The leaders discussed continued cooperation between U.S. and Jordan, joint military operations, modernization of shared technologies and integration during field operations. During the meeting, Kurilla made clear his intentions to strengthen the relationship between the two militaries, and his desire for innovation in regional defense.

May 18, 2022

READOUT – U.S. Central Command commander meets with Israeli Chief of Staff

U.S. Central Command commander Gen. Erik Kurilla visited Israel as an official guest of Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, May 18. During his visit to Israel, Kurilla spoke with several Israeli military leaders, toured facilities, and observed an ongoing Israeli military exercise. Kurilla commended the deepening defense partnership between the U.S. and Israel.

May 17, 2022

Congratulations to the new President of UAE

U.S. Central Command would like to extend a message of congratulations to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on assuming the role of President of the United Arab Emirates.