Local Afghan security forces teach children at the Qala-i-Khoja school how to identify improvised explosive devices, Aug. 28. (U.S. Army photo/ Released)
Roughly 30% percent of the IEDs reported to Afghan National Security Forces are discovered by children, according to a Special Operations Forces adviser.
In order for the instructors to visit the school, Sayeed Mansoor, the director for the Baghlan Provincial Ministry of Education, was contacted and agreed that it was important to teach the children about IEDs to keep them safe.
During the class, pictures of actual IEDs found along routes the children walk to attend school were displayed to the students.
One student explained that, until this class, he had only been warned about IEDs, but had never been shown what to be cautious of.
“This awareness class for the kids presents an excellent opportunity for them to identify and report IEDs directly to Afghan security forces, which ultimately keeps them safe and limits the insurgents’ ability to follow through with attacks,” said the SOF adviser.
Originally, only two schools were going to participate in the IED awareness training. However, due to the positive feedback from students, teachers and headmasters about the program, it was extended to other schools in the area. The training will continue throughout the Pul-e Khumri and Dahana-ye Ghori districts.