KABUL, Afghanistan (Nov. 8, 2010) — Afghan National Army military police brigade logistics personnel met to discuss the Ministry of Defense requisition policies and procedures during a logistical shura at Combined Joint Interagency Task Force 435 headquarters Nov. 8.
The shura brought together ANA and U.S. logisticians to enhance networking between the two groups and create a better understanding of the logistical needs of the ANA.
“Logistics are the soul of the Army,” said ANA Col. Nabi, commander of the Ministry of Defense Logistical Support Operations Command. “All the soldiers have logistic needs and [logistics] provides all the equipment to equip the Army.”
The topics discussed included ordering processes, equipment and facility maintenance property accountability, and accountability.
“We brought together the directorates from the MOD and the logistical officers from the ANA MP brigade to have a face-to-face discussion about the policy and procedures that have been implemented,” said U.S. Army Maj. Eric M. Gaddis, the Afghanistan Detention and Corrections Advisory Team logistics officer.
Following the formal program, representatives discussed their requirements and received suggestions from Afghan and American leadership on ways they could address those requirements.
“The purpose of this shura is to improve our problems and to do what we need to share our problems with each other and share our suggestions to resolve any problems we have,” said Afghan Col. Hazerkhan CJIATF-435 Afghan logistics officer.
“We solved about 80 percent of the issues that were brought up at this shura by providing guidance of our policies and clarifying any issues anybody had,” added Nabi.
Nabi said he was pleased with the shura and accommodations CJIATF-435 made for the attendees.
“This is very good,” said Nabi. “Shuras are very important in the Islamic culture. The accommodations made for us and our religious practices were very nice, and I am very happy.”
Overall, attendees agreed the shura was a good step toward preparing Afghans working in the logistics sector for the condition-based transition of detention operations to Afghan control.
CJIATF-435, in partnership with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and U.S. interagency and international partners, conducts operations in detention, corrections, the judicial sector and biometrics. Ultimately, conditions permitting, CJIATF-435 will transition detention operations to Afghan control while promoting Rule of Law practices.