Joint Press Release
February 27, 2009
Release Number: 20092702-04
ANP, Coalition Forces maintain pressure in Kandahar and Khowst
KABUL, Afghanistan –Afghan National Police and Coalition Forces conducted operations Feb. 26, in Kandahar and Khowst Provinces to disrupt Haqqani and Taliban networks, detaining seven suspected militants.
In Khakrez District, Kandahar province, approximately 50 km north of Kandahar, Coalition Forces and Afghan National Police conducted an operation to disrupt a Taliban network believed to be involved in the movement of weapons, supplies and foreign fighters from Pakistan into southern Afghanistan.
After arriving at the intended location, forces searched multiple buildings without incident. Several AK-47s and machine guns were found as well as bomb-making materials. After moving all persons to a safe area, Coalition Forces destroyed the weapons and explosives to prevent future use. Four militants were detained and forces protected 25 women and 33 children.
In Khowst Distict, Khowst province, approximately 10 km southwest of Khowst, Coalition Forces conducted operations to disrupt the Haqqani terrorist network known to involved in facilitating foreign fighters into Afghanistan.
After arriving at the targeted compound, forces searched the buildings. There were no women or children present and three suspected militants were detained without incident.
Contact information:
- Ministry of Interior, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Directorate of Media and Public
Relations, office telephone: 93 (0) 220 1758
- US Forces Afghanistan Public Affairs, office telephone: 93 (0) 799 51 2919