Coalition forces target terrorist network in Kabul

Release No: UNRELEASED Jan. 1, 2009 PRINT | E-MAIL

Press Release

United States Forces-Afghanistan

December 31, 2008                                                   

Release Number 20083112-01

Coalition forces target terrorist network in Kabul

KABUL, Afghanistan – Coalition forces killed eleven armed militants during an operation to disrupt the Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG)  terrorist network in Kabul province, Tuesday.

The operation in Sorubi District, approximately 60 km northeast of Kabul City, targeted a HIG commander wanted for trafficking weapons and fighters into and throughout the Uzbin and Tagab Valleys in Kabul and Kapisa provinces.  The targeted HIG commander is also known to coordinate and direct attacks against innocent civilians, GIRoA officials and Coalition forces.

As Coalition forces approached the targeted building, multiple armed militants exited the building and rushed to the nearby mountainside in an apparent attempt to evade the force, and to occupy the higher terrain.  Believing the targeted HIG commander was located with the group, Coalition forces pursued the militants. As the force approached the militant’s location, the militants engaged the force with small-arms fire.   Coalition forces returned fire and killed two of the militants.  Still receiving fire, Coalition forces engaged the militants with close-air precision munitions and killed the remaining nine militants.

A search of the militants and the targeted building revealed multiple AK-47s, ammunition bandoliers, and other military equipment.  These items were destroyed to prevent future use. 

There were no civilian casualties reported as a result of the operation.


United States Forces Afghanistan’s mission, in coordination with NATO’s International Security Assistance Force, is to conduct operations to defeat terrorist networks and insurgents by developing effective governance and building the Afghan National Security Force.  Effective security throughout the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan facilitates continued regional stability and increases economic development for the people of Afghanistan.

Contact Information – US Forces Afghanistan Public Affairs Office

Tel +93 (0) 799 51 2919 or cell phone 0093 (0) 788 189 049
