December 29, 2008
Release Number 20082912-01
Coalition forces maintain pressure on terrorist cell in Ghazni
KABUL, Afghanistan – Coalition forces killed two armed Taliban militants while targeting the network’s kidnapping and roadside bombing operations in Ghazni province, Sunday.
In Gailan District, approximately 200 km northeast of Kandahar, Coalition forces targeted a Taliban militant known to coordinate and carry out the kidnappings of Afghan officials and westerners to finance their criminal activities. Additionally, the targeted Taliban militant is assessed to facilitate and direct roadside bombings along Highway One in Ghazni and Zabul provinces, deliberately killing and injuring innocent civilians and Coalition forces.
During the operation, Coalition forces called for all individuals inside to exit the building peacefully. Disregarding these instructions, the two militants engaged the force with small-arms fire. In order to neutralize the threat, Coalition forces engaged the militants inside with hand grenades and killed them.
A search of the building following the operation revealed multiple AK-47s.
“Kidnappings to line their pockets and conducting roadside bombs to spread fear is not ideology but only criminal acts from self-serving thugs,” said Col. Jerry O’Hara, a U.S. Forces Afghanistan spokesperson.
United States Forces Afghanistan’s mission, in coordination with NATO’s International Security Assistance Force, is to conduct operations to defeat terrorist networks and insurgents by developing effective governance and building the Afghan National Security Force. Effective security throughout the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan facilitates continued regional stability and increases economic development for the people of Afghanistan.
Contact Information – US Forces Afghanistan Public Affairs Office
Tel +93 (0) 799 51 2919 or cell phone 0093 (0) 788 189 049