The Sayafiyah Community Center will be complete by the end of April. An Iraqi construction worker carries materials to the roof of the center.
FOB KALSU, Iraq (April 28, 2008) – Construction on numerous community buildings in Sayafiyah is nearing completion. A health clinic, middle school, elementary school and community center will be completed by the end of April.
The Sayafiyah Health Clinic will be fully-furnished, funded and controlled by the Mahmudiyah Qada.
A local contractor is also finishing the work on the Sayafiyah Community Center. The center has been completely renovated with the addition of two administrative rooms and four new restrooms.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sponsored the renovation of the al-Inbaath elementary school. They expanded the school by six additional classrooms and two laboratories.
The Musab Bin Omir middle school had new floor tiles installed, classrooms repaired and a new playground constructed.
The improved security developments in Sayifyah’s key infrastructure have made projects like this more prevalent.
“Because of the [al-Qaida in Iraq] threat, the area was neglected,” said 1st Lt. Jonathan Gerson, assistant operations officer for 1st Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). “Now that AQI is gone the local government is beginning to communicate with Sayafiyah.”
Gerson said the schools and clinic will be supported by the government of Iraq while the community center will give the people of Sayafiyah a place to voice concerns to the local government