The 332nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron military working dog section and Dutch coalition counterparts hosted a MWD demonstration on base.
The event showcased MWD capabilities and the interoperability of coalition forces which are key elements to defeating ISIS.
“MWDs provide the wing enhanced explosive detection capabilities along with a physiological deterrent while on patrol,” said Tech Sgt. William Townsend, 332nd ESFS kennel master. “Also, MWD teams are a force multiplier that can reduce manning shortfalls due to the multi-faceted capability they provide.”
These highly-trained K9s are a huge U.S. Air Force asset; however, they are so much more than that.
“We employ MWD teams in support of a rapidly deployable, multi-functional, globally-mobile response to anywhere in the world,” said Townsend. “We don’t just deploy in support of the U.S. Air Force but all DoD branches.”
The 332nd ESFS MWD teams also partner with Dutch dogs and handlers whenever possible as the lessons learned enhance their mission sets.
“It means a lot to us to work with them because we are able to gain invaluable training opportunities and exchange tactics and techniques to enhance both of our nations MWD capabilities,” Townsend said.
After the demonstration, attendees were afforded the opportunity to wear a decoy suit and feel the force and bite of the dogs.
“I knew it was coming, so I dug my heels into the sand and braced myself,” said Master Sgt. Victoria Kenny, 332nd Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron first sergeant. “I felt some pressure where the dog bit me, but no pinching because of the padding. I always knew K9s were intelligent, but was blown away at how they sensed to move on to another target that was more threatening.”