IMX 2023 CTF East VBSS Training
ARABIAN GULF (March 14, 2023) U.S. Marines, United Kingdom Royal Marine Commandos, and members of the Yemen Coast Guard approach U.S. Coast Guard fast response cutter USCGC Robert Goldman (WPC 1142) in a rigid-hull inflatable boat during visit, board, search and seizure training in the Arabian Gulf, March 14, 2023, during International Maritime Exercise 2023. IMX/CE 2023 is the largest multinational training event in the Middle East, involving 7,000 personnel from more than 50 nations and international organizations committed to preserving the rules-based international order and strengthening regional maritime security cooperation. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Bryan Clay)

Photo by: Spc. Bryan Clay |  VIRIN: 230314-A-UV848-1019B.JPG