The Defeat of Daesh: One Year Later
Peshmerga soldiers, part of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s security forces supporting the Iraqi security forces, operate a tank at a security outpost toward the Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve forward line of troops in Erbil Province, Iraq, May 29, 2016. The Peshmerga have coordinated with the Iraqi security forces and Coalition partners to assist in the regional removal of Da’esh. CJTF – OIR aims to enable and equip indigenous forces to take ISIL head on while leveraging U.S. and Coalition nation airpower to halt the terrorist’s momentum. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Sergio Rangel/RELEASED)

Photo by: Staff Sgt. Sergio Rangel |  VIRIN: 160529-A-VY227-0116.JPG