JTF-435 provides computer equipment to Afghan courts

Release No: UNRELEASED Aug. 24, 2010 PRINT | E-MAIL


Dr. Abdul Malik Kamawi, the administrator of the Supreme Court, signs for $72,000 worth of computer equipment being handed over by Joint Task Force 435 Aug. 21 through the Commander’s Emergency Response Program.

KABUL, Afghanistan (Aug. 23, 2010) — To assist the Afghan government in enhancing its rule of law capabilities, officials from Joint Task Force 435 transferred computer equipment to the Supreme Court Compound here Aug. 21 as part of the Commander’s Emergency Response Program.

“I deeply appreciate the coordination between the multiple agencies involved, including the U.S. civilians from the embassy, JTF-435, ISAF and everyone else who was involved,” said Dr. Abdul Malik Kamawi, the administrator of the Supreme Court, through a translator. “We appreciate the way they came together to help us here at the Supreme Court by giving us these computers to help us improve our procedures.”

“This IT (computer) equipment will be used by all the courts of Kabul province so they can better communicate with each other and establish better record keeping,” said U.S. Navy Lt. Joe Moyer, JTF-435 Staff Judge Advocate Office.

This project provided computer equipment that will be used at the four trial courts and the appellate court for Kabul, said Moyer. “There is an urgent need to have a modern communications networking capacity within the Afghan judiciary system,” explained Moyer.

This project was initiated when members of JTF-435 Staff Judge Advocate visited the local courts and  analyzed the needs of the establishments. 

“We went on several trips out to the primary and appellate court houses to look at what the status was there, talk to their administrators, and see what they needed,” said Moyer. 

Moyer said with this equipment, Afghanistan will be able to greatly improve the ways they perform legal operations. 

“We look forward to more opportunities to work with your agencies,” Kamawi added through a translator. “We are excited to have these computers installed in each of the courts around Kabul and for our administrators who will use them each day, to receive training from technicians so we can use them effectively to speed up our processes.” 

This computer donation was the fourth CERP effort by JTF-435 since June. CERP funds have also been used to enhance security at a local women’s prison and provide vehicles to the Afghan government for official use.

CERP funds allow commanders to successfully respond to urgent humanitarian relief and reconstruction requirements within their areas of responsibility by carrying out programs that will immediately assist the local population. 

JTF-435 is responsible for all U.S. detention operations throughout Afghanistan and supports the overall strategy of defeating the insurgency and building the capacity of the Afghan government to provide security for its people.