WEBVTT 00:03.319 --> 00:05.690 I also love the fact that we can take 00:05.820 --> 00:08.079 this information . Our purpose here is 00:08.090 --> 00:10.350 to respond to requests that we received 00:10.359 --> 00:12.415 from war fighters down range here in 00:12.415 --> 00:15.189 Syncom A or they sent out a request to 00:15.199 --> 00:17.421 bring in different capabilities , those 00:17.421 --> 00:19.532 different capabilities . With what we 00:19.532 --> 00:21.755 showcased today , we had an air quality 00:21.755 --> 00:23.588 monitoring station that was also 00:23.588 --> 00:25.532 presented . And then the other two 00:25.532 --> 00:27.810 things were the portable X ray machine , 00:27.810 --> 00:30.032 which is really one of the gaps that we 00:30.032 --> 00:31.977 have in for surgical resuscitative 00:31.977 --> 00:33.921 teams , at least in the army , the 00:33.921 --> 00:36.032 portable resuscitated machine , which 00:36.032 --> 00:35.560 basically , you know , it generates 00:35.569 --> 00:37.569 oxygen on its own without having to 00:37.569 --> 00:39.791 have an 02 tank available . So that's a 00:39.791 --> 00:41.680 absolute fabulous innovation that 00:41.680 --> 00:43.680 something that we're looking to tap 00:43.680 --> 00:45.847 into innovation days like this is huge 00:45.847 --> 00:48.013 for us because this is the opportunity 00:48.013 --> 00:47.970 we get to talk out across the bigger 00:47.979 --> 00:50.319 footprint . I'm talking to big army to 00:50.330 --> 00:52.386 big air force , to the navy , to the 00:52.386 --> 00:54.552 Marines , bring everybody together and 00:54.552 --> 00:56.608 talk about what are we doing for the 00:56.608 --> 00:58.663 war fighter as a collective unit and 00:58.663 --> 01:00.608 delivering the best capability out 01:00.608 --> 01:02.830 there . We want to do these regularly . 01:02.830 --> 01:04.997 We would like to set up an opportunity 01:04.997 --> 01:07.052 to do this once a year where we show 01:07.052 --> 01:09.219 that we're being responsive to the war 01:09.219 --> 01:09.139 fighters demands downrange .