WEBVTT 00:01.130 --> 00:01.963 - Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 00:01.963 --> 00:04.510 My apologies for the technical difficulties earlier. 00:04.730 --> 00:06.520 Without any further ado, General Gedney, 00:06.520 --> 00:07.820 we'll turn it over to you. 00:11.490 --> 00:12.323 - Thank you. 00:12.323 --> 00:13.156 Well, ladies and gentlemen, 00:13.156 --> 00:14.540 we seem to have some communications problems, 00:14.540 --> 00:16.580 so I'm gonna start from the beginning again, 00:16.580 --> 00:18.150 and good morning again. 00:19.250 --> 00:21.560 Today's briefing will focus on our efforts 00:21.560 --> 00:25.660 to defeat ISIS in Syria in order to bring peace, 00:25.680 --> 00:28.790 security, and stability to the liberated areas 00:28.840 --> 00:29.830 of northeast Syria. 00:31.150 --> 00:33.020 This week, following an increase 00:33.020 --> 00:34.590 in coalition strikes against 00:34.590 --> 00:37.110 the final ISIS controlled areas in Syria, 00:37.860 --> 00:41.390 the Syrian Democratic Forces resumed offensive operations 00:41.390 --> 00:45.440 to clear the final ISIS held territory in eastern Syria. 00:47.080 --> 00:48.760 This increased defensive action 00:48.760 --> 00:51.380 to destroy ISIS marks the beginning 00:51.430 --> 00:52.640 of Operation Roundup, 00:53.580 --> 00:56.120 which is the coalition name for the operations 00:56.120 --> 00:59.200 to destroy ISIS in the final areas 00:59.200 --> 01:00.960 where they hold ground east 01:00.960 --> 01:02.060 of the Euphrates River 01:02.920 --> 01:05.310 and liberate the last of their fake caliphate. 01:07.060 --> 01:09.210 In the first phase of Operation Roundup, 01:10.070 --> 01:12.390 the Syrian Democratic Forces are securing 01:12.390 --> 01:15.800 the southeast portion of the Syrian Iraqi border 01:16.420 --> 01:18.510 by eliminating ISIS resistance 01:19.180 --> 01:21.110 and establishing defensive positions 01:21.620 --> 01:24.670 in coordination with the Iraqi Security Forces, 01:25.340 --> 01:28.300 who are operating in parallel on the Iraqi side 01:28.300 --> 01:29.133 of the border. 01:30.590 --> 01:32.740 Coalition forces are supporting 01:32.740 --> 01:36.510 the Syrian Democratic Forces maneuver by conducting air, 01:37.030 --> 01:40.650 artillery, and mortar strikes against ISIS targets. 01:41.880 --> 01:43.930 Since the Syrian Democratic Forces announced 01:43.930 --> 01:47.050 their renewed push to defeat ISIS on May the 1st, 01:47.830 --> 01:49.650 the coalition has conducted a total 01:49.950 --> 01:52.190 of 40 strikes against ISIS targets, 01:52.870 --> 01:55.140 destroying eight ISIS held buildings, 01:55.820 --> 01:59.920 six logistical assets, two explosives factories, 02:00.720 --> 02:02.050 and two weapons caches. 02:03.660 --> 02:05.160 In the following strike video, 02:05.740 --> 02:09.060 the Iraqi Air Force struck an ISIS headquarters target 02:09.500 --> 02:12.070 on Sunday, May the 6th near Dashisha, 02:12.940 --> 02:15.790 further degrading ISIS' operational capability 02:16.170 --> 02:17.590 throughout eastern Syria 02:17.880 --> 02:19.010 and into western Iraq. 03:10.803 --> 03:13.545 The deliberate drive by the SDF brings 03:13.600 --> 03:16.930 the total liberated area in the Euphrates River Valley 03:17.150 --> 03:19.250 to more than 5,000 square kilometers. 03:20.710 --> 03:23.350 Ground operations by the Syrian Democratic Forces, 03:24.270 --> 03:26.740 coupled with intelligence, surveillance, 03:27.040 --> 03:29.210 and fire support provided by the coalition, 03:29.770 --> 03:32.350 are having a devastating effect on ISIS, 03:32.800 --> 03:34.650 as we strike ISIS targets 03:35.050 --> 03:37.320 and Syrian Democratic Forces continue 03:37.320 --> 03:40.430 to liberate lands held by ISIS terrorists. 03:41.880 --> 03:44.930 Furthermore, the build up to Operation Roundup 03:45.320 --> 03:47.110 has seen a significant increase 03:47.170 --> 03:49.470 in our offensive operations against ISIS. 03:50.920 --> 03:52.810 A recent coalition strike in Dashisha 03:53.330 --> 03:56.400 on April the 29th killed Nur al-Din, 03:57.180 --> 04:00.190 an Iraqi leader with ISIS terrorist financial network. 04:01.380 --> 04:04.230 Al-Din directed cross border financial operations 04:04.570 --> 04:06.630 for ISIS in Iraq and Syria, 04:07.470 --> 04:09.520 including support of ISIS military 04:10.090 --> 04:12.370 and external operations capabilities. 04:13.780 --> 04:16.510 His removal deprives ISIS of a key leader 04:16.810 --> 04:18.100 for financial resourcing 04:18.870 --> 04:21.570 and demonstrates the effectiveness of Kurdish 04:21.570 --> 04:23.230 and then partner forces efforts 04:23.580 --> 04:25.140 throughout Operational Roundup 04:25.810 --> 04:27.970 to rid the Iraqi, Syria border regions 04:28.600 --> 04:31.540 and the middle Euphrates River Valley of ISIS remnants. 04:33.270 --> 04:35.560 A previous coalition strike near Hajin 04:35.560 --> 04:37.120 in Deir ez-Zor province Syria 04:37.740 --> 04:40.870 on April the 17th also resulted 04:41.200 --> 04:43.930 in a severe blow to ISIS and its leadership, 04:44.870 --> 04:47.980 killing between 37 and 40 ISIS members, 04:48.590 --> 04:50.740 including several senior commanders. 04:52.220 --> 04:54.560 We and our partners will continue 04:54.560 --> 04:56.690 to pursue ISIS and get them 04:56.690 --> 04:58.420 off the battlefield wherever they try 04:58.420 --> 05:01.220 to hide within our area of operations. 05:02.950 --> 05:05.610 Observations from eastern Syria suggest 05:05.610 --> 05:08.380 that morale among ISIS fighters is sinking. 05:09.780 --> 05:11.630 Frictions are mounting between native 05:11.860 --> 05:13.630 and foreign born ISIS fighters, 05:14.350 --> 05:17.090 as ISIS' privileged leadership continues 05:17.090 --> 05:18.100 to flee the area, 05:18.940 --> 05:21.090 leaving fighters with dwindling resources 05:21.440 --> 05:22.273 and low morale. 05:23.740 --> 05:25.660 ISIS fighters continue to surrender 05:25.990 --> 05:27.540 rather than face certain death, 05:28.060 --> 05:29.770 as the Syrian Democratic Forces tighten 05:29.770 --> 05:30.970 their containment lines. 05:32.890 --> 05:36.130 Moving forward, as Operation Roundup progresses, 05:36.890 --> 05:38.730 the coalition will continue to support 05:38.730 --> 05:41.620 the Syrian Democratic Forces compacting 05:41.800 --> 05:45.370 what's left of ISIS in Syria as we deal the final blow. 05:47.400 --> 05:50.850 As we have said and proven many, many times 05:50.920 --> 05:52.570 over the course of this campaign, 05:53.070 --> 05:55.610 the coalition will relentlessly pursue ISIS 05:55.990 --> 05:58.460 wherever they are until they're defeated. 05:59.800 --> 06:01.870 The global coalition of 71 nations 06:02.200 --> 06:04.140 and four international organizations 06:04.570 --> 06:07.780 remains absolutely committed to the defeat of ISIS, 06:08.780 --> 06:10.780 and with that, I'll take your questions. 06:12.360 --> 06:13.310 - Idrees Ali with Reuters? 06:13.310 --> 06:15.170 - Sure, just a broader question, 06:15.170 --> 06:16.970 not just in Syria, but Iraq as well. 06:17.590 --> 06:20.040 Later today, President Trump is expected 06:20.040 --> 06:22.650 to sort of pull out of the Iran Nuclear Deal. 06:22.990 --> 06:25.600 Have you seen any change in behavior by Iranian, 06:25.600 --> 06:29.890 or Iranian backed forces in the past few days or weeks? 06:34.160 --> 06:36.030 - No, we've seen no change. 06:36.830 --> 06:39.700 We closely monitor all threats to our forces, 06:40.110 --> 06:44.240 and as you know we retain our right to self defense 06:44.240 --> 06:45.073 if we need to, 06:45.073 --> 06:45.906 but we've seen no change. 06:45.906 --> 06:48.750 - A follow up, are you making any adjustments 06:48.750 --> 06:52.530 in expectation that if President Trump does pull out, 06:52.530 --> 06:56.270 that the Iranians will react in a certain way? 07:00.570 --> 07:02.410 - Well, you're asking me to speculate. 07:02.410 --> 07:04.040 The period through May is a busy time, 07:04.040 --> 07:06.970 with many things going on in the political space. 07:07.270 --> 07:10.410 As I said, we continually re-assess the threat 07:10.410 --> 07:12.590 to forces with what's going on, 07:13.160 --> 07:14.670 and we'll adjust as necessary. 07:14.930 --> 07:17.440 We're confident that we'll retain the security 07:17.440 --> 07:19.540 of our forces operating in Iraq and Syria. 07:20.890 --> 07:22.640 - Next to Joe Talbot with Al Hurra. 07:23.530 --> 07:24.750 - Thank you. 07:24.750 --> 07:26.170 General Gedney, I would like to ask you, 07:26.170 --> 07:29.930 what's the size of ISIS fighters who remain 07:29.930 --> 07:34.930 in this last portion between Hajin and Abu Kamal? 07:36.080 --> 07:37.140 What's your estimate? 07:42.200 --> 07:43.180 - Well, it's a very good question, 07:43.180 --> 07:44.980 but it's very difficult to estimate, 07:45.420 --> 07:48.030 and therefore I can't give you an exact number 07:48.030 --> 07:48.863 of how many are there, 07:48.863 --> 07:50.600 except to say there's too many. 07:51.350 --> 07:52.460 What we're gonna do now 07:52.460 --> 07:54.450 is we're gonna clear those final areas, 07:54.770 --> 07:56.600 and I can assure you by the time we've finished, 07:56.600 --> 07:57.750 there'll be a lot less. 07:58.460 --> 08:00.190 - A follow up on this question. 08:00.190 --> 08:01.560 Do you have a timeline 08:01.970 --> 08:05.960 when can we expect this Operation Roundup would be over? 08:10.660 --> 08:12.610 - Again, you're asking me to speculate. 08:12.720 --> 08:15.370 It is absolutely clear that those final areas 08:15.370 --> 08:16.920 are gonna be a difficult fight. 08:17.080 --> 08:18.520 We're gonna continue to support 08:18.520 --> 08:20.500 the Syrian Democratic Forces 08:20.760 --> 08:22.460 as they clear through those areas. 08:22.720 --> 08:25.040 We're gonna continue an aggressive pace 08:25.040 --> 08:27.150 of operations in our own strikes 08:27.497 --> 08:29.550 and to clear through those areas. 08:29.910 --> 08:31.860 It's gonna take a while to do that, 08:32.220 --> 08:33.110 and even after that, 08:33.110 --> 08:34.620 we then need to focus on making sure 08:34.620 --> 08:37.260 we can secure those liberated areas 08:37.360 --> 08:39.340 and provide the stabilization necessary 08:39.640 --> 08:41.640 to ensure a lasting defeat of ISIS. 08:43.410 --> 08:44.910 - To Kasim Ileri with Anadulo. 08:46.051 --> 08:47.751 - Thanks, General, for doing this. 08:48.280 --> 08:50.680 YPG in a statement has threatened 08:50.680 --> 08:52.410 that they will target the families 08:52.410 --> 08:54.670 of the Free Syrian Army groups 08:54.670 --> 08:56.730 working with Turkey in northern Syria, 08:57.360 --> 08:59.800 as they have been trained by the coalition 08:59.800 --> 09:01.490 under the care of SDF. 09:01.830 --> 09:03.550 How do you take that statement? 09:03.550 --> 09:05.970 And would you endorse such a move 09:05.970 --> 09:07.720 against a valuable partner, 09:07.720 --> 09:10.510 against as the Free Syrian Army families? 09:14.540 --> 09:16.790 - Well, the Free Syrian Army are operating 09:16.790 --> 09:19.570 outside of our main area of focus. 09:20.620 --> 09:23.810 We would urge all parties to de-escalate 09:23.820 --> 09:24.920 any of these tensions, 09:25.080 --> 09:27.280 and focus on what's critical to us now, 09:27.680 --> 09:29.330 which is the defeat of ISIS, 09:29.560 --> 09:32.160 and bringing peace and stability to northeast Syria. 09:33.760 --> 09:34.960 - The coalition has been saying 09:34.960 --> 09:37.766 that it trains local forces and partner forces 09:37.766 --> 09:40.430 with rules of laws of war. 09:40.860 --> 09:45.860 Does rule of laws of war allows targeting families, 09:46.010 --> 09:50.980 children, and women in areas that you are training them? 09:55.650 --> 09:57.480 - No, of course the rules of law 09:57.480 --> 10:00.630 don't allow the targeting of noncombatants, 10:01.150 --> 10:03.000 and as I said, we would urge everyone 10:03.180 --> 10:04.295 to ensure the protection of the civilians, 10:04.295 --> 10:07.400 of all civilians across the battle space. 10:09.610 --> 10:11.190 - [Man] Next to Ryan Browne with CNN. 10:11.190 --> 10:13.210 - Hello, General, thanks for doing this. 10:13.210 --> 10:14.210 Two quick questions. 10:14.300 --> 10:17.360 One, can you tell us the current number 10:17.790 --> 10:21.470 of foreign fighters being detained by U.S. backed 10:21.500 --> 10:23.790 or coalition backed forces in Syria? 10:23.790 --> 10:26.410 I believe we were told it's over 400, 10:26.410 --> 10:27.243 was the last we heard. 10:27.243 --> 10:28.510 Is that still the number? 10:29.070 --> 10:31.090 And I have another one, 10:31.090 --> 10:32.790 but if you could answer that one first. 10:36.220 --> 10:39.640 - Well, across northern Syria, 10:39.640 --> 10:41.590 there's a large number of ISIS fighters 10:41.590 --> 10:43.770 being held by the Syrian Democratic Force 10:44.120 --> 10:45.470 in their detention centers, 10:46.320 --> 10:47.890 and exactly as you say, 10:48.100 --> 10:51.510 previously reported was a number over 400. 10:51.990 --> 10:53.590 That number is a bit larger now, 10:53.770 --> 10:55.120 but it's of the same order, 10:55.350 --> 10:57.190 and what we need to do now is 10:57.190 --> 11:00.070 to ensure that those hundreds of foreign fighters 11:00.070 --> 11:02.570 that are being held by the Syrian Democratic Force 11:02.910 --> 11:06.360 cannot be a threat either regionally or globally in future. 11:07.100 --> 11:11.310 - Thank you, and then I know you're concentrating 11:11.310 --> 11:12.280 on fighting ISIS, 11:12.280 --> 11:14.040 but there have been reports previously 11:14.040 --> 11:17.850 of pro-regime forces conducting threatening actions, 11:17.850 --> 11:20.910 threatening posture along the Euphrates River Valley. 11:21.140 --> 11:24.210 Have you seen any new evidence of pro-regime forces 11:24.220 --> 11:27.530 or Free Syrian army, Turkish backed forces 11:27.530 --> 11:29.570 conducting any threatening activities 11:29.570 --> 11:31.420 in Manbij or Deir ez-Zor? 11:31.420 --> 11:34.840 Have there been any new threatening actions 11:34.840 --> 11:36.090 conducted by other group? 11:40.370 --> 11:42.100 - Well, as I said, 11:42.130 --> 11:44.730 our focus is absolutely on the defeat of ISIS. 11:45.100 --> 11:48.260 In doing that, we're operating in close proximity 11:48.260 --> 11:50.440 to a large number of other forces, 11:50.760 --> 11:53.020 and we have to carefully manage the seams 11:53.240 --> 11:56.090 where we're operating in close proximity of those forces. 11:56.530 --> 11:57.800 We have a very effective 11:58.240 --> 12:00.430 and professional deconfliction mechanism 12:00.680 --> 12:02.030 through the Russian forces. 12:02.050 --> 12:03.980 Not all of those forces are aligned to Russia though, 12:03.980 --> 12:06.630 and we continue to assess the level of threat 12:07.000 --> 12:09.000 that we see on those areas 12:09.000 --> 12:11.850 where we're operating in close proximity to other forces. 12:12.520 --> 12:14.545 - [Ryan] So there've been no incidences of contact 12:14.545 --> 12:15.790 between the two groups? 12:20.390 --> 12:24.810 - There has been no notable increase in tension 12:24.810 --> 12:27.210 across those borders in the recent past, no. 12:29.090 --> 12:31.420 - Next to Wyatt Goolsby with EWTN. 12:32.160 --> 12:32.993 - Thank you. 12:32.993 --> 12:33.826 General, as you know, 12:33.826 --> 12:35.740 ISIS over the years has targeted ethnic 12:35.740 --> 12:37.784 and religious minorities like Christians in the region. 12:37.784 --> 12:40.220 What has the coalition been doing, 12:40.220 --> 12:41.180 if anything specific, 12:41.180 --> 12:44.210 to protect those vulnerable communities like Christians, 12:44.210 --> 12:46.020 and do we believe they're still being targeted 12:46.020 --> 12:47.980 specifically by the remnants of ISIS? 12:52.100 --> 12:53.750 - Well, as you rightly point out, 12:53.910 --> 12:56.840 ISIS has brutalized the population of Iraq 12:56.840 --> 12:59.320 and Syria for many years, 12:59.600 --> 13:01.660 and we now need to make sure 13:01.660 --> 13:06.090 that we can rid this region of this cancer that ISIS meant. 13:07.094 --> 13:09.030 I would say that we are interested 13:09.030 --> 13:12.440 in the protection of all civilians in the battle space, 13:12.900 --> 13:13.790 and we want to ensure 13:13.790 --> 13:17.920 that we can build back unity within Iraq and Syria 13:18.201 --> 13:19.980 after the defeat of ISIS. 13:22.630 --> 13:24.800 - Next to Laurie Mylorie with Kurdistan 24. 13:25.500 --> 13:26.350 - Thank you, sir. 13:27.690 --> 13:29.370 I've several questions. 13:29.510 --> 13:32.920 My first question, Ambassador Ryan Crocker 13:33.160 --> 13:34.880 was sort of a legendary figure 13:34.940 --> 13:37.490 because he was General Petraeus' partner 13:37.490 --> 13:41.090 during the surge in Iraq, decades earlier, 13:41.900 --> 13:45.180 served in Beirut when the embassy was bombed, 13:45.180 --> 13:46.960 the Marine barracks was bombed. 13:48.320 --> 13:52.260 And he recently cautioned that there seemed, to him, 13:52.510 --> 13:56.010 to be a similar vulnerability with coalition troops 13:56.010 --> 13:59.670 in Syria because there were so few of them, 14:00.040 --> 14:01.940 but you had the same enemies, 14:02.560 --> 14:06.840 namely, Syria, Iran, and their proxies, 14:07.480 --> 14:09.520 aligned against the coalition, 14:09.820 --> 14:12.880 and was concerned about the vulnerability of those troops. 14:12.880 --> 14:14.430 You don't share that concern? 14:19.000 --> 14:20.510 - I'm absolutely confident 14:20.680 --> 14:24.100 that we can manage the force protection to our troops, 14:25.010 --> 14:26.500 and let's be clear. 14:26.540 --> 14:28.890 Our focus is absolutely on defeating ISIS, 14:29.200 --> 14:30.530 and we're doing that by fighting 14:30.530 --> 14:33.340 alongside a partner force in the Syrian Democratic Force, 14:33.340 --> 14:35.720 and that is enabling us to defeat ISIS 14:35.720 --> 14:37.520 in those final areas that they hold. 14:38.390 --> 14:39.320 - My second question, 14:39.320 --> 14:42.350 you said that ISIS had a privileged leadership, 14:42.600 --> 14:43.500 and they had fled. 14:44.360 --> 14:47.010 What did you mean by privileged leadership, 14:47.010 --> 14:48.530 and could you describe the leadership 14:48.530 --> 14:52.620 of ISIS in any other qualities of leadership of ISIS? 14:57.300 --> 14:58.750 - Well, I think what we've seen recently 14:58.750 --> 15:00.730 is ISIS' leadership deserting, 15:01.000 --> 15:04.170 and, at times, leaving with resources 15:04.390 --> 15:06.090 and leaving their fighters 15:06.180 --> 15:08.920 without effective leadership because they can. 15:10.820 --> 15:13.870 - Final question, in Iraq, 15:13.960 --> 15:17.150 the BBC monitoring recently reported 15:17.580 --> 15:20.150 that there was a increase in violence 15:20.150 --> 15:22.260 in the disputed areas, 15:22.260 --> 15:25.680 Kirkuk, Salahuddin Province, Diyala Province. 15:26.010 --> 15:27.600 Is that also your assessment, 15:27.650 --> 15:30.630 there's been an increase in violence in those areas? 15:34.700 --> 15:35.590 - Well, the level of violence 15:35.590 --> 15:36.640 is always relative, of course. 15:36.640 --> 15:38.930 There's a lot lower violence 15:38.930 --> 15:40.620 than there was under ISIS 15:40.940 --> 15:42.740 and through the liberation campaign. 15:43.410 --> 15:45.780 I think we will see ISIS attempt 15:45.780 --> 15:47.400 to increase the level of violence 15:47.400 --> 15:48.970 as we approach the elections, 15:49.320 --> 15:52.080 but I'm absolutely confident the Iraqi Security Forces, 15:52.400 --> 15:54.880 a highly professional and effective force, 15:55.210 --> 15:56.670 will be able to maintain the security 15:56.670 --> 15:58.270 of Iraq through those elections. 16:00.240 --> 16:03.130 - According to the BBC monitoring report and others, 16:03.130 --> 16:07.260 it's due to the Iraqi attack on the disputed areas 16:07.260 --> 16:09.010 that the Kurds held in October. 16:11.690 --> 16:13.150 That's not gonna change, 16:13.500 --> 16:16.120 I mean, that there has been, in measurable terms, 16:16.120 --> 16:18.420 an increase in violence of the disputed areas? 16:23.290 --> 16:25.140 - There are still occasional spikes 16:25.260 --> 16:27.260 of violence within Iraq, 16:27.260 --> 16:28.093 but as I say, 16:28.093 --> 16:30.240 the Iraqi Security Forces are showing themselves 16:30.240 --> 16:33.030 to be a very effective security force 16:33.240 --> 16:35.380 in maintaining security throughout Iraq. 16:36.360 --> 16:38.400 - Next we'll go to Tuna Sanli, with TRT. 16:39.290 --> 16:40.840 - Thank you, Major and General. 16:41.670 --> 16:44.640 The United States is sending weapons 16:44.640 --> 16:47.540 and military support to YPG or SDF 16:47.540 --> 16:48.480 and training them. 16:49.360 --> 16:52.140 How can you be assured that these weapons 16:52.400 --> 16:57.210 will not be used by YPG or SDF, in your words, 16:57.501 --> 17:00.890 against Turkey to fight against Turkey, a NATO member? 17:05.520 --> 17:07.910 - Well, we are working alongside 17:07.910 --> 17:09.820 the Syrian Democratic Force. 17:10.220 --> 17:12.240 We are training them and providing them resources 17:12.240 --> 17:15.540 they need to fight ISIS and make sure 17:15.540 --> 17:18.760 that we can destroy our common enemy 17:18.760 --> 17:20.040 across the coalition, 17:20.140 --> 17:22.680 including Turkey, which is ISIS. 17:25.735 --> 17:27.335 - Next to Hans Nichols with NBC. 17:27.690 --> 17:28.530 - Thanks, General. 17:28.530 --> 17:29.390 Hans Nichols, NBC. 17:29.390 --> 17:31.760 You mentioned that a lot of the leadership is deserting. 17:31.760 --> 17:34.610 I was wondering what the latest is on al-Baghdadi, 17:34.610 --> 17:35.920 and if you believe he's deserted 17:35.920 --> 17:37.770 or if he's still in the battle space. 17:41.700 --> 17:46.060 - Well, I don't know where al-Baghdadi is, 17:46.150 --> 17:48.380 but like all of the ISIS leadership, 17:48.750 --> 17:50.260 we continue to hunt for them 17:50.530 --> 17:52.510 and try to take them off the battlefield. 17:52.510 --> 17:55.180 You'll know when we find al-Baghdadi 17:55.180 --> 17:57.440 because we'll deal with him on the battlefield. 17:58.920 --> 18:00.920 - Next to Lucas Tomlinson with Fox News. 18:01.815 --> 18:04.450 - [Lucas] General, is it the belief of the coalition 18:04.450 --> 18:06.460 that the Iran Nuclear Deal needs 18:06.460 --> 18:09.180 to remain in place to keep the focus on ISIS? 18:13.640 --> 18:15.710 - Well, you're asking me to speculate 18:16.260 --> 18:18.580 on a political level issue, 18:18.580 --> 18:19.730 which I'm not going to. 18:20.130 --> 18:23.360 As I've said, our focus and the focus 18:23.360 --> 18:25.750 of Operation Roundup is absolutely 18:25.970 --> 18:29.430 to defeat ISIS and liberate the final areas east 18:29.430 --> 18:30.580 of the Euphrates River. 18:31.040 --> 18:32.180 - If the deal falls apart, 18:32.180 --> 18:34.030 does that hurt your mission, General? 18:38.550 --> 18:40.690 - Well, as I say, we continue to assess 18:41.120 --> 18:43.190 whatever this context that we work in, 18:43.580 --> 18:44.940 and you're asking me to speculate 18:44.940 --> 18:47.890 on something that we simply don't know about at the moment. 18:48.490 --> 18:51.360 - And forgive me if this has already been asked, 18:51.360 --> 18:53.510 but can you talk about the last remaining pockets 18:53.510 --> 18:54.370 of ISIS fighters? 18:54.370 --> 18:55.870 Do we know how many there are? 19:00.370 --> 19:02.690 - Well, the answer I gave is too many. 19:03.210 --> 19:04.690 So we're actually gonna make sure 19:04.690 --> 19:06.690 that we've cleared through those final areas. 19:06.690 --> 19:09.560 It's very difficult to assess exact numbers 19:09.560 --> 19:11.460 of fighters in those final areas. 19:11.770 --> 19:14.550 We believe there's a higher proportion 19:14.880 --> 19:17.730 of foreign fighters in some of those areas, 19:18.000 --> 19:19.180 and so we now need to make sure 19:19.180 --> 19:20.910 we aggressively clear those 19:21.220 --> 19:23.970 so that we can move on to securing the liberating areas 19:24.210 --> 19:26.660 and bring peace and stability to Northeast Syria. 19:27.600 --> 19:28.600 - [Lucas] And lastly-- 19:28.600 --> 19:29.440 - [Man] Over here to Lara Seligman. 19:29.440 --> 19:30.690 - [Lucas] Okay, it's time to go back. 19:32.240 --> 19:33.290 - Thank you, General, 19:33.370 --> 19:35.230 and during the fall we heard a lot 19:35.230 --> 19:38.020 about Russian aircraft buzzing U.S. aircraft 19:38.020 --> 19:39.761 or getting too close to U.S. 19:39.761 --> 19:41.670 or coalition troops on the ground, 19:41.960 --> 19:44.090 but we haven't heard a lot about that since then. 19:44.090 --> 19:44.923 Can you tell me, 19:44.923 --> 19:47.590 have there been any such instances recently, 19:47.830 --> 19:51.290 and what has been the impact of the latest U.S. 19:51.290 --> 19:54.540 and British and French strikes on Syria on that? 19:54.540 --> 19:55.840 Has there been any impact? 20:00.090 --> 20:03.160 - Well, we continue to have a very effective 20:03.160 --> 20:06.040 and professional deconfliction relationship 20:06.360 --> 20:09.110 with the Russian forces who are operating largely 20:09.110 --> 20:11.260 on the western side of the Euphrates River, 20:11.810 --> 20:13.660 and we are operating largely 20:13.660 --> 20:15.640 on the eastern side of the Euphrates River. 20:16.820 --> 20:19.540 - So but have there been an increase 20:19.540 --> 20:21.730 or decrease in those kinds of instances, 20:21.730 --> 20:23.440 or are they just not public? 20:27.180 --> 20:30.080 - We've had no instances recently that causes any concern. 20:31.057 --> 20:32.020 - [Laura] Thank you. 20:32.020 --> 20:33.980 - Corey Dickstein with Stars and Stripes. 20:34.350 --> 20:35.470 - Thanks, General, for doing this. 20:35.470 --> 20:36.660 I appreciate your time. 20:37.899 --> 20:39.770 On the leaders that are deserting, 20:40.560 --> 20:43.190 can you give us an idea where are they deserting to, 20:43.250 --> 20:45.670 and how are they getting out? 20:45.830 --> 20:49.890 Are they moving across the river into coalition, 20:50.000 --> 20:53.680 not coalition, I'm sorry regime controlled territory 20:53.860 --> 20:55.790 and are you guys making any attempts 20:55.790 --> 20:58.570 to target them when they escape? 21:03.300 --> 21:04.133 - Yes, absolutely, 21:04.133 --> 21:06.590 and they're moving in different directions, 21:07.150 --> 21:11.050 and the reason the detainee population is increasing 21:11.400 --> 21:13.280 in those SDF detention facilities 21:13.640 --> 21:16.850 is because we are capturing ISIS fighters 21:16.850 --> 21:18.830 as they move through our battle space. 21:19.260 --> 21:21.470 We remain concerned for any 21:21.470 --> 21:23.750 that are moving onto the western Euphrates River 21:23.750 --> 21:26.220 where ISIS retains some freedom of action, 21:26.770 --> 21:29.310 as their regimes seem either unwilling 21:29.610 --> 21:31.510 or unable to effectively deal 21:31.510 --> 21:33.960 and finally defeat ISIS on the west of the river. 21:36.090 --> 21:37.460 - Lucas, did you have a follow up? 21:39.670 --> 21:42.910 - Why are so many foreign fighters still coming to Syria? 21:42.910 --> 21:45.210 You mentioned an increase of foreign fighters. 21:45.650 --> 21:47.240 Why is that happening? 21:51.520 --> 21:53.520 - Well, I didn't say it was an increase in foreign fighters. 21:53.520 --> 21:56.370 I said there was a larger proportion of foreign fighters, 21:56.580 --> 21:59.590 and that's largely because they are unable 21:59.590 --> 22:02.210 to move through the battle space as easy 22:02.210 --> 22:05.030 perhaps as a Syrian or Iraqi fighter could. 22:05.430 --> 22:07.780 So what we're left with is a hard core 22:08.090 --> 22:09.260 of foreign fighters 22:09.290 --> 22:12.240 in those remaining areas that ISIS holds. 22:13.390 --> 22:15.040 - Bigger threat to the coalition, 22:15.460 --> 22:18.250 Idlib province and some of those Al Qaeda fighters 22:18.250 --> 22:21.030 or these remnants of ISIS in eastern Syria? 22:25.970 --> 22:27.010 - Could you repeat the question? 22:27.010 --> 22:27.860 I didn't hear it. 22:28.010 --> 22:30.680 - Which is a bigger threat right now to the coalition? 22:30.680 --> 22:33.500 Is it Idlib province and the emergence 22:33.500 --> 22:34.980 of these Al Qaeda fighters, 22:34.980 --> 22:37.740 or is it the remnants of ISIS in eastern Syria? 22:42.430 --> 22:45.330 - Well, our focus, the focus of the coalition, 22:45.340 --> 22:46.440 is in northeast Syria, 22:47.360 --> 22:49.780 and so the task for us is to make sure 22:49.780 --> 22:52.530 that we have completed the defeat of ISIS 22:52.570 --> 22:55.630 in northeast Syria and then bring peace and stability 22:55.860 --> 22:57.590 to the people of northeast Syria. 22:59.280 --> 23:00.780 - To Ryan Browne, did you have a follow up? 23:00.780 --> 23:01.613 - I did. 23:01.613 --> 23:02.446 General, we talked a little bit 23:02.446 --> 23:03.540 about the foreign fighters, 23:03.540 --> 23:06.310 and then growing a little bit north of 200. 23:06.370 --> 23:10.520 Are you concerned about the SDF's ability to detain? 23:10.520 --> 23:12.360 Obviously it doesn't seem like many countries 23:12.360 --> 23:16.550 are taking back their citizens if the number is going up. 23:16.550 --> 23:18.110 So are you worried in the long term 23:18.110 --> 23:20.360 about the SDF's ability to detain them? 23:20.830 --> 23:23.110 And you said that the regime appears 23:23.110 --> 23:26.490 either unwilling or unable to take on ISIS in its area. 23:26.890 --> 23:29.320 Is this a concern that these ISIS pockets 23:29.320 --> 23:31.340 and regime controlled areas are gonna 23:31.340 --> 23:34.600 continue to exist unless the coalition takes action? 23:38.740 --> 23:39.870 - Okay, two questions there. 23:39.870 --> 23:41.410 To your first question, 23:41.830 --> 23:44.520 in the short term we're not concerned. 23:44.520 --> 23:47.120 The Syrian Democratic Forces have shown themselves 23:47.120 --> 23:49.570 to be both a highly effective force 23:49.970 --> 23:51.740 and a highly responsible force 23:51.960 --> 23:54.610 in detaining those terrorists 23:54.770 --> 23:57.920 that they've captured on the battle space. 23:58.760 --> 24:00.110 In the medium to long term, 24:00.490 --> 24:02.510 we have to find a global solution 24:02.810 --> 24:04.810 to the problem of these fighters to make sure 24:04.810 --> 24:06.560 that they cannot become a threat again, 24:06.560 --> 24:09.740 so, yes, in the long term, we do have concerns. 24:10.550 --> 24:12.450 Likewise, to your point about what happens 24:12.450 --> 24:14.140 on the western side of the river, 24:14.530 --> 24:17.920 we remain concerned about ISIS freedom 24:18.230 --> 24:20.970 in the west of the River Euphrates 24:21.230 --> 24:23.640 where it seems they have some freedom of action still 24:23.640 --> 24:25.660 because they have not been properly defeated 24:25.660 --> 24:26.990 by the pro-regime forces. 24:28.350 --> 24:30.220 - Back to Justin Miller with a follow up. 24:30.660 --> 24:32.950 - Just a follow up on the desertion issue. 24:33.840 --> 24:37.760 As the territory of ISIS is shrinking, 24:38.220 --> 24:39.860 have you seen any indication? 24:39.990 --> 24:41.670 Have you seen any ISIS fighters 24:41.670 --> 24:43.680 or leaders deserting to Afghanistan 24:44.080 --> 24:46.130 or somehow find their way to Afghanistan? 24:51.030 --> 24:52.870 - Well, we have picked up fighters 24:52.960 --> 24:54.960 who have moved through the battle space. 24:55.686 --> 24:58.990 It's difficult to tell exactly where their end location 24:58.990 --> 25:00.490 they were intending to get to, 25:00.790 --> 25:04.090 but we are seeing fighters moving and trying to escape. 25:05.822 --> 25:07.314 The truth is we're probably not collecting 25:07.314 --> 25:08.340 every one of them, 25:08.340 --> 25:10.450 but a significant number of those 25:10.450 --> 25:13.400 that we are collecting and stopping from escaping anywhere. 25:14.685 --> 25:17.790 - Just a coincidence that the ISIS operations 25:17.790 --> 25:19.590 inside Syria and Iraq is shrinking, 25:19.630 --> 25:21.440 and in Afghanistan it's increasing, 25:22.340 --> 25:25.470 or does it have any relation to those desertion issue? 25:31.270 --> 25:32.470 - Not if we can help it. 25:32.640 --> 25:35.260 Our intention is to stop any ISIS fighters 25:35.420 --> 25:36.720 leaving this battle space. 25:37.140 --> 25:39.260 We're either gonna kill them on the battle space, 25:39.260 --> 25:41.040 or we're gonna put them in detention. 25:42.490 --> 25:44.570 - Alright, we are at the end of my queue for questions. 25:44.570 --> 25:46.830 Are there any more questions for General Gedney? 25:48.060 --> 25:49.790 Alright, sir, well, thank you very much for your time today. 25:49.790 --> 25:51.990 Do you have any closing words for the group? 25:56.290 --> 25:59.070 - Well, I just say that the mission here 25:59.070 --> 26:00.320 is making great progress. 26:00.870 --> 26:02.450 The Syrian Democratic Force 26:02.450 --> 26:05.110 and the Iraqi Security Forces have shown themselves 26:05.110 --> 26:09.700 to be excellent partners in the operations to defeat ISIS, 26:10.110 --> 26:11.820 and what we now need to do, 26:12.190 --> 26:16.590 as soon as we finish the liberation of territory, 26:17.080 --> 26:18.630 the defeat will not be complete 26:18.980 --> 26:22.210 until we have stabilized and secured those areas 26:22.210 --> 26:23.460 that have been liberated, 26:23.480 --> 26:25.930 and then we can look to a lasting defeat of ISIS. 26:28.940 --> 26:30.140 - Sir, have a great day. 26:30.864 --> 26:31.740 Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much, 26:31.740 --> 26:32.610 and my apologies once again 26:32.610 --> 26:34.700 for the technical difficulties earlier. 26:34.930 --> 26:35.780 Have a great day. 26:35.808 --> 26:38.058 (mumbling)