1 00:00:01,304 --> 00:00:04,804 (soldier shouting orders) 2 00:00:05,801 --> 00:00:09,134 (rifles fire in unison) 3 00:00:15,044 --> 00:00:18,377 (rifles fire in unison) 4 00:00:23,827 --> 00:00:27,160 (rifles fire in unison) 5 00:00:32,988 --> 00:00:36,321 (rifles fire in unison) 6 00:00:41,740 --> 00:00:45,073 (rifles fire in unison) 7 00:01:21,885 --> 00:01:23,783 - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, President Trump 8 00:01:23,783 --> 00:01:26,781 and Vice President Pence have arrived and are being greeted 9 00:01:26,781 --> 00:01:30,780 by the Honorable Jim Mattis, Secretary of Defense, 10 00:01:30,780 --> 00:01:33,215 General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., 11 00:01:33,215 --> 00:01:36,206 the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 12 00:01:36,206 --> 00:01:38,295 Ms. Karen Durham-Aguilera, 13 00:01:38,295 --> 00:01:41,887 Executive Director, Army National Cemeteries Programs, 14 00:01:41,887 --> 00:01:45,242 and Major General Michael L. Howard, Commanding General 15 00:01:45,242 --> 00:01:49,409 of the United States Army Military District of Washington. 16 00:04:55,182 --> 00:04:57,808 Ladies and gentlemen, the Armed Forces Honor Guard 17 00:04:57,808 --> 00:04:59,608 and the United States Army Band 18 00:04:59,608 --> 00:05:02,158 are formed and waiting as the President moves 19 00:05:02,158 --> 00:05:06,325 to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to place the wreath. 20 00:10:21,904 --> 00:10:23,821 - [Soldier] Color halt. 21 00:10:26,457 --> 00:10:27,290 Present 22 00:10:29,729 --> 00:10:30,562 arms. 23 00:10:39,056 --> 00:10:43,223 (band playing The Star-Spangled Banner) 24 00:11:50,362 --> 00:11:51,195 Order 25 00:11:53,313 --> 00:11:54,146 arms. 26 00:12:12,858 --> 00:12:13,691 Present 27 00:12:15,618 --> 00:12:16,451 arms. 28 00:13:18,911 --> 00:13:21,161 (drumming) 29 00:13:41,860 --> 00:13:45,527 (single bugle playing Taps) 30 00:14:36,999 --> 00:14:37,832 Order 31 00:14:40,040 --> 00:14:40,873 arms. 32 00:15:39,320 --> 00:15:40,161 - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, 33 00:15:40,161 --> 00:15:42,143 the wreath ceremony is complete. 34 00:15:42,143 --> 00:15:44,430 The Memorial Day service will begin shortly. 35 00:15:44,430 --> 00:15:46,148 Please move to your seats. 36 00:15:46,148 --> 00:15:46,981 Thank you. 37 00:16:04,088 --> 00:16:07,054 Terry Austin, Command Chaplain, Joint Force Headquarters 38 00:16:07,054 --> 00:16:09,448 National Capital Region and the United States Army 39 00:16:09,448 --> 00:16:12,115 Military District of Washington. 40 00:16:14,449 --> 00:16:17,616 (audience applauding) 41 00:16:22,503 --> 00:16:25,482 Major General Michael L. Howard, Commanding General, 42 00:16:25,482 --> 00:16:29,567 United States Army Military District of Washington. 43 00:16:29,567 --> 00:16:32,734 (audience applauding) 44 00:16:36,685 --> 00:16:39,807 Ms. Karen Durham-Aguilera, Executive Director, 45 00:16:39,807 --> 00:16:43,047 Army National Military Cemeteries Program. 46 00:16:43,047 --> 00:16:46,214 (audience applauding) 47 00:16:50,371 --> 00:16:52,472 General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., 48 00:16:52,472 --> 00:16:55,595 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 49 00:16:55,595 --> 00:16:58,762 (audience applauding) 50 00:17:04,028 --> 00:17:08,195 The Honorable Jim Mattis, the Secretary of Defense. 51 00:17:08,208 --> 00:17:11,375 (audience applauding) 52 00:17:42,958 --> 00:17:47,125 (band playing four ruffles and flourishes) 53 00:17:52,158 --> 00:17:56,325 Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States. 54 00:17:56,548 --> 00:18:00,519 (band playing Hail to the Chief) 55 00:18:00,519 --> 00:18:04,686 (audience cheering and applauding) 56 00:18:38,191 --> 00:18:42,358 (audience cheering and applauding) 57 00:19:09,006 --> 00:19:12,173 Ladies and gentlemen, Chaplain Austin. 58 00:19:16,067 --> 00:19:17,150 - Let's pray. 59 00:19:18,474 --> 00:19:20,637 Almighty God, prince of peace, 60 00:19:20,637 --> 00:19:22,490 you have declared that there is no greater love 61 00:19:22,490 --> 00:19:25,066 than to lay down one's life for their friends. 62 00:19:25,066 --> 00:19:27,069 Today as a nation we physically and symbolically 63 00:19:27,069 --> 00:19:29,995 stand among America's sons and daughters, patriots who 64 00:19:29,995 --> 00:19:33,036 have given their lives to ensure our freedoms. 65 00:19:33,036 --> 00:19:35,507 We pause on this national Memorial Day 66 00:19:35,507 --> 00:19:37,397 to remember them for their sacrifice 67 00:19:37,397 --> 00:19:39,201 and to honor their memory. 68 00:19:39,201 --> 00:19:41,100 Lord, I pray that we may be more aware 69 00:19:41,100 --> 00:19:43,648 of just how blessed we are as a nation 70 00:19:43,648 --> 00:19:45,505 as we realize the price that's paid 71 00:19:45,505 --> 00:19:48,086 to have and maintain our freedom. 72 00:19:48,086 --> 00:19:50,923 We also pray today for the families and friends of those 73 00:19:50,923 --> 00:19:53,696 who have given their lives in the service to our nation. 74 00:19:53,696 --> 00:19:56,228 We pray that they will be comforted and reassured 75 00:19:56,228 --> 00:19:59,020 that the sacrifice of their loved ones is not in vain 76 00:19:59,020 --> 00:20:00,983 and they are not forgotten. 77 00:20:00,983 --> 00:20:02,846 Lord, we ask that you would continue to give wisdom 78 00:20:02,846 --> 00:20:05,374 to our Commander-In-Chief, his administration, 79 00:20:05,374 --> 00:20:07,754 our elected officials, and our military leaders 80 00:20:07,754 --> 00:20:09,813 as they promote peace throughout our country 81 00:20:09,813 --> 00:20:11,563 and around the world. 82 00:20:11,607 --> 00:20:13,991 Lord, indeed today, we have men and women deployed 83 00:20:13,991 --> 00:20:16,467 in harms way, and we ask that you would continue 84 00:20:16,467 --> 00:20:19,539 to watch over and bless them with strength and courage 85 00:20:19,539 --> 00:20:23,424 to be victorious, and we ask that they will come home soon. 86 00:20:23,424 --> 00:20:25,328 We thank you, God, for our country, 87 00:20:25,328 --> 00:20:28,045 and ask that you continue to bless America. 88 00:20:28,045 --> 00:20:29,538 We ask these things not of ourselves, 89 00:20:29,538 --> 00:20:31,435 but in accordance to your will 90 00:20:31,435 --> 00:20:34,193 and the promise of peace throughout your holy name 91 00:20:34,193 --> 00:20:36,610 as the prince of peace, Amen. 92 00:20:38,958 --> 00:20:41,301 - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, please join the 93 00:20:41,301 --> 00:20:45,134 Air Force Band in singing our National Anthem. 94 00:20:47,375 --> 00:20:51,542 (band playing The Star-Spangled Banner) 95 00:22:05,407 --> 00:22:06,824 Please be seated. 96 00:22:09,876 --> 00:22:13,043 Ladies and gentlemen, General Dunford. 97 00:22:19,011 --> 00:22:22,178 (audience applauding) 98 00:22:25,873 --> 00:22:29,258 - Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Secretary Mattis, 99 00:22:29,258 --> 00:22:31,523 distinguished guests, and most importantly, 100 00:22:31,523 --> 00:22:33,396 to our Gold Star families, 101 00:22:33,396 --> 00:22:35,063 it's an honor to join you this morning 102 00:22:35,063 --> 00:22:37,563 in remembrance and reflection. 103 00:22:37,621 --> 00:22:40,297 Since the founding of our republic more than 42 million 104 00:22:40,297 --> 00:22:42,270 Americans have stepped forward to serve 105 00:22:42,270 --> 00:22:44,353 their country in uniform. 106 00:22:44,511 --> 00:22:46,846 Their story is one of selflessness, 107 00:22:46,846 --> 00:22:51,013 it's one of courage, and it's one of sheer commitment. 108 00:22:51,084 --> 00:22:55,033 But their story is also one of extraordinary sacrifice. 109 00:22:55,033 --> 00:22:56,887 More than one million Americans who have answered 110 00:22:56,887 --> 00:22:59,549 the call to duty gave the last full measure 111 00:22:59,549 --> 00:23:02,130 of their devotion so their fellow citizens 112 00:23:02,130 --> 00:23:06,297 could live in freedom and raise their children in peace. 113 00:23:06,448 --> 00:23:08,523 Today we honor the fallen from battlefields 114 00:23:08,523 --> 00:23:11,773 that serve as waypoints in our history. 115 00:23:11,979 --> 00:23:13,896 Saratoga to Gettysburg, 116 00:23:14,459 --> 00:23:16,376 Belleau Wood to Midway, 117 00:23:17,126 --> 00:23:18,709 Chosin to Ia Drang, 118 00:23:19,653 --> 00:23:22,320 and Korengal Valley to Fallujah. 119 00:23:22,771 --> 00:23:26,570 Today we reflect on the enormity of the sacrifice, 120 00:23:26,570 --> 00:23:30,636 reflect on the hopes and the dreams never realized. 121 00:23:30,636 --> 00:23:33,235 Today we also reflect on the sacrifice 122 00:23:33,235 --> 00:23:35,498 of the families left behind, 123 00:23:35,498 --> 00:23:39,665 the anguish of parents, spouses, siblings, and friends. 124 00:23:40,358 --> 00:23:42,233 The sadness of children growing up 125 00:23:42,233 --> 00:23:44,983 without their fathers and mothers 126 00:23:44,994 --> 00:23:46,935 and we know that for the families 127 00:23:46,935 --> 00:23:49,102 every day is Memorial Day. 128 00:23:49,564 --> 00:23:52,676 But today we also reflect on what's most important 129 00:23:52,676 --> 00:23:54,976 about the men and women we honor. 130 00:23:54,976 --> 00:23:57,389 We reflect on how they lived. 131 00:23:57,389 --> 00:23:59,056 They were people who stood for something 132 00:23:59,056 --> 00:24:00,973 larger than themselves. 133 00:24:01,059 --> 00:24:02,978 They were people who embodied the most important 134 00:24:02,978 --> 00:24:05,978 values and traditions of our nation. 135 00:24:06,608 --> 00:24:07,833 They were people who understood 136 00:24:07,833 --> 00:24:12,000 that what we have in our country is worth fighting for. 137 00:24:12,469 --> 00:24:14,432 And though they were taken from us prematurely 138 00:24:14,432 --> 00:24:16,820 they were people who touched our lives, 139 00:24:16,820 --> 00:24:19,372 they were people who made a difference. 140 00:24:19,372 --> 00:24:21,345 Today if we truly want to honor the fallen 141 00:24:21,345 --> 00:24:24,066 from all of our conflicts, we'll do something more 142 00:24:24,066 --> 00:24:27,405 than mark their graves with flags and flowers. 143 00:24:27,405 --> 00:24:29,685 We'll do something more than deliver remarks 144 00:24:29,685 --> 00:24:32,602 and reflect for just a few moments. 145 00:24:32,656 --> 00:24:35,045 If we truly want to give meaning to the sacrifice 146 00:24:35,045 --> 00:24:37,849 of those who have given all on our behalf, 147 00:24:37,849 --> 00:24:41,153 each of us will leave here today determined to find, 148 00:24:41,153 --> 00:24:45,058 in some small way, a method of serving our nation 149 00:24:45,058 --> 00:24:47,842 and our communities in their honor. 150 00:24:47,842 --> 00:24:49,895 If we do that then I would offer that those of us 151 00:24:49,895 --> 00:24:52,152 who were taken from us prematurely 152 00:24:52,152 --> 00:24:53,679 will be able to look down and know 153 00:24:53,679 --> 00:24:55,967 that we truly do remember them. 154 00:24:55,967 --> 00:24:59,434 Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the soldiers, sailors, 155 00:24:59,434 --> 00:25:01,807 airmen, Marines, and coastguardsmen 156 00:25:01,807 --> 00:25:03,966 that are still in uniform, 157 00:25:03,966 --> 00:25:06,133 thank you for remembering. 158 00:25:07,279 --> 00:25:10,446 (audience applauding) 159 00:25:19,539 --> 00:25:21,400 - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, listen now 160 00:25:21,400 --> 00:25:24,007 as the United States Air Force Band performs 161 00:25:24,007 --> 00:25:25,840 America the Beautiful. 162 00:25:29,196 --> 00:25:33,363 (band playing America the Beautiful) 163 00:25:53,182 --> 00:25:57,349 ♫ Oh, beautiful for spacious skies 164 00:26:00,874 --> 00:26:04,457 ♫ For amber waves of grain 165 00:26:07,523 --> 00:26:11,606 ♫ For purple mountain majesties 166 00:26:14,657 --> 00:26:18,157 ♫ Above the fruited plain 167 00:26:22,040 --> 00:26:25,040 ♫ America! America! 168 00:26:29,192 --> 00:26:32,942 ♫ God shed his grace on thee 169 00:26:36,116 --> 00:26:40,283 ♫ And crown thy good with brotherhood 170 00:26:44,034 --> 00:26:47,534 ♫ From sea to shining sea 171 00:26:51,541 --> 00:26:55,708 ♫ Oh, beautiful for pilgrims feet 172 00:26:58,722 --> 00:27:02,472 ♫ That sees beyond the years 173 00:27:04,837 --> 00:27:08,837 ♫ Thine alabaster cities gleam 174 00:27:12,100 --> 00:27:15,683 ♫ Undimmed by human tears 175 00:27:19,384 --> 00:27:22,384 ♫ America! America! 176 00:27:26,898 --> 00:27:30,731 ♫ God shed his grace on thee 177 00:27:33,899 --> 00:27:38,066 ♫ And crown thy good with brotherhood 178 00:27:42,221 --> 00:27:45,804 ♫ From sea to shining sea 179 00:27:49,243 --> 00:27:53,410 ♫ And crown thy good with brotherhood 180 00:28:00,123 --> 00:28:03,623 ♫ From sea to shining sea 181 00:28:17,416 --> 00:28:20,583 (everyone applauding) 182 00:28:38,254 --> 00:28:42,421 - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, Secretary Mattis. 183 00:28:42,964 --> 00:28:46,131 (everyone applauding) 184 00:28:51,682 --> 00:28:55,849 - They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old. 185 00:28:56,270 --> 00:29:00,270 Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 186 00:29:00,741 --> 00:29:03,325 At the going down of the sun and in the morning, 187 00:29:03,325 --> 00:29:05,158 we will remember them. 188 00:29:06,173 --> 00:29:08,705 Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, 189 00:29:08,705 --> 00:29:12,363 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dunford, 190 00:29:12,363 --> 00:29:14,780 Gold Star families, everyone. 191 00:29:14,972 --> 00:29:19,139 We gather here today with a shared attitude of gratitude. 192 00:29:21,814 --> 00:29:24,981 23 centuries ago, so Plutarch tell us, 193 00:29:26,158 --> 00:29:28,354 an old Spartan King observed, 194 00:29:28,354 --> 00:29:31,271 it is not the places that grace men 195 00:29:32,304 --> 00:29:34,387 but men grace the places. 196 00:29:35,791 --> 00:29:38,248 Today we know that he was right. 197 00:29:38,248 --> 00:29:42,415 More than a century ago, this 624-acre plot of land 198 00:29:43,863 --> 00:29:46,530 was a plantation on the Potomac. 199 00:29:46,959 --> 00:29:49,126 Scenic, but hardly sacred. 200 00:29:50,311 --> 00:29:54,478 Now these fields hold the greatest treasure of our nation. 201 00:29:54,523 --> 00:29:56,690 America's courageous dead. 202 00:29:57,446 --> 00:30:00,529 Those who today we pause to remember. 203 00:30:01,325 --> 00:30:04,075 Not far from here lies the marker 204 00:30:04,099 --> 00:30:08,266 of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., a Civil War infantry veteran, 205 00:30:09,028 --> 00:30:12,740 who later rose to be a Supreme Court justice. 206 00:30:12,740 --> 00:30:16,907 Holmes said those who serve in our military have hearts 207 00:30:17,906 --> 00:30:20,156 that are touched with fire. 208 00:30:21,789 --> 00:30:24,153 Having known great things, he said, 209 00:30:24,153 --> 00:30:26,653 they are content with silence. 210 00:30:28,635 --> 00:30:30,479 If you have ever known one of the fallen, 211 00:30:30,479 --> 00:30:31,839 you have known greatness. 212 00:30:31,839 --> 00:30:35,511 But it is hard to be content with their silence, 213 00:30:35,511 --> 00:30:36,928 for we miss them. 214 00:30:37,643 --> 00:30:41,476 The empty chair on a holiday, empty every day. 215 00:30:42,488 --> 00:30:44,762 The photograph that goes wherever you do. 216 00:30:44,762 --> 00:30:48,845 The picture fades, but the person in it does not. 217 00:30:49,044 --> 00:30:51,627 Their fighting spirit persists, 218 00:30:51,693 --> 00:30:54,758 passed down through the ranks, their spirit echoes 219 00:30:54,758 --> 00:30:58,925 in those who serve today in the air, on land, and at sea. 220 00:31:00,147 --> 00:31:04,314 In a world awash with change, some things stand firm. 221 00:31:05,043 --> 00:31:09,210 Some things are as Plato said: Good and true and beautiful. 222 00:31:11,344 --> 00:31:14,338 The kid on the line who never had a chance to grow old 223 00:31:14,338 --> 00:31:17,005 will always be there to teach us 224 00:31:17,097 --> 00:31:20,764 that suffering has meaning if it is accepted 225 00:31:20,838 --> 00:31:22,755 out of love for others. 226 00:31:23,250 --> 00:31:27,417 To the families of the fallen, both here and at home, 227 00:31:27,483 --> 00:31:29,900 no words will ease your pain. 228 00:31:30,075 --> 00:31:32,963 But I beg you, let it have meaning. 229 00:31:32,963 --> 00:31:36,546 Unite your sorrow to their awesome purpose. 230 00:31:36,955 --> 00:31:41,122 People do grace places, but people also grace people. 231 00:31:41,751 --> 00:31:45,049 We are blessed by our time with those now asleep, 232 00:31:45,049 --> 00:31:47,216 the mighty and the gentle. 233 00:31:47,355 --> 00:31:49,496 Let us share their story with others. 234 00:31:49,496 --> 00:31:52,496 Then, like the poet, we all can say: 235 00:31:52,944 --> 00:31:56,179 Sleep, soldiers, still in honored rest. 236 00:31:56,179 --> 00:31:58,596 Your truth and valor wearing. 237 00:31:59,175 --> 00:32:01,182 The bravest are the tenderest. 238 00:32:01,182 --> 00:32:03,349 The loving are the daring. 239 00:32:03,662 --> 00:32:06,636 Now ladies and gentlemen it is my great honor to introduce 240 00:32:06,636 --> 00:32:08,305 our Commander-in-Chief, 241 00:32:08,305 --> 00:32:12,055 President of the United States Donald Trump. 242 00:32:12,206 --> 00:32:15,373 (everyone applauding) 243 00:32:50,576 --> 00:32:53,409 - Thank you very much, thank you. 244 00:32:53,866 --> 00:32:55,449 Thank you so much. 245 00:32:56,868 --> 00:33:01,035 And thank you, General Dunford and Secretary Mattis, 246 00:33:01,396 --> 00:33:04,896 for your moving words and for your service 247 00:33:04,950 --> 00:33:06,617 to our great nation. 248 00:33:09,101 --> 00:33:10,851 Vice President Pence, 249 00:33:11,516 --> 00:33:14,773 Cabinet Secretaries, members of Congress, 250 00:33:14,773 --> 00:33:17,877 members of the Armed Forces and veterans, 251 00:33:17,877 --> 00:33:21,978 thank you for joining us as we honor the brave warriors 252 00:33:21,978 --> 00:33:24,478 who gave their lives for ours, 253 00:33:26,148 --> 00:33:28,627 spending their last moments on this Earth 254 00:33:28,627 --> 00:33:32,377 in defense of this country and of its people. 255 00:33:34,636 --> 00:33:38,803 Words can not measure the depth of their devotion, 256 00:33:39,367 --> 00:33:43,534 the purity of their love, or the totality of their courage. 257 00:33:45,012 --> 00:33:48,929 We only hope that every day we can prove worthy 258 00:33:50,421 --> 00:33:53,671 not only of their sacrifice and service 259 00:33:55,143 --> 00:33:57,045 but of the sacrifice made 260 00:33:57,045 --> 00:34:01,045 by the families and loved ones they left behind. 261 00:34:02,588 --> 00:34:04,588 Special, special people. 262 00:34:06,864 --> 00:34:10,364 I especially want to extend our gratitude 263 00:34:11,304 --> 00:34:15,054 to Secretary John Kelly for joining us today. 264 00:34:17,895 --> 00:34:19,145 Incredible man. 265 00:34:19,449 --> 00:34:22,616 (audience applauding) 266 00:34:33,802 --> 00:34:36,635 I always like to call him General. 267 00:34:36,987 --> 00:34:41,154 He understands more than most ever could or ever will 268 00:34:41,696 --> 00:34:44,196 the wounds and burdens of war. 269 00:34:44,810 --> 00:34:48,977 Not only did Secretary proudly serve in the military 270 00:34:49,396 --> 00:34:53,190 for more than 40 years, enduring many hardships, 271 00:34:53,190 --> 00:34:55,869 but he and his incredible wife Karen 272 00:34:55,869 --> 00:35:00,036 have borne the single most difficult hardship of them all, 273 00:35:01,144 --> 00:35:05,311 the loss of their son, Robert, in service to our country. 274 00:35:08,411 --> 00:35:11,078 Robert died fighting the enemies 275 00:35:11,384 --> 00:35:14,384 of all civilizations in Afghanistan. 276 00:35:16,222 --> 00:35:19,389 To John, Karen, Heather, Kate, Andrea 277 00:35:20,794 --> 00:35:24,627 and the entire Kelly family, today 300 million 278 00:35:26,031 --> 00:35:29,948 American hearts are joined together with yours. 279 00:35:31,384 --> 00:35:32,967 We grieve with you. 280 00:35:33,743 --> 00:35:34,826 We honor you. 281 00:35:35,473 --> 00:35:39,640 And we pledge to you that we will always remember Robert 282 00:35:41,076 --> 00:35:43,576 and what he did for all of us. 283 00:35:46,424 --> 00:35:47,757 Thank you, John. 284 00:35:47,996 --> 00:35:51,163 (audience applauding) 285 00:35:58,096 --> 00:36:01,251 The Kelly family represents military families across the 286 00:36:01,251 --> 00:36:05,418 country who carry the burden of freedom on their shoulders. 287 00:36:06,604 --> 00:36:10,771 Secretary Kelly is joined today by his son-in-law, Jake, 288 00:36:11,976 --> 00:36:13,476 a Wounded Warrior. 289 00:36:14,431 --> 00:36:16,990 And the Secretary's son, Johnnie, 290 00:36:16,990 --> 00:36:20,323 will soon leave on his fifth deployment. 291 00:36:21,715 --> 00:36:24,109 It is because of families like yours that 292 00:36:24,109 --> 00:36:28,276 all of our families can live in safety and live in peace. 293 00:36:29,438 --> 00:36:33,605 To every Gold Star family who honors us with your presence, 294 00:36:34,593 --> 00:36:36,301 you lost sons and daughters, 295 00:36:36,301 --> 00:36:39,634 husbands and wives, mothers and fathers. 296 00:36:41,368 --> 00:36:45,451 They each had their own names, their own stories, 297 00:36:45,566 --> 00:36:47,816 their own beautiful dreams. 298 00:36:48,672 --> 00:36:52,255 But they were all angels sent to us by God, 299 00:36:53,863 --> 00:36:57,113 and they all share one title in common, 300 00:36:57,753 --> 00:37:00,253 and that is the title of hero. 301 00:37:05,091 --> 00:37:06,214 (audience applauding) 302 00:37:06,214 --> 00:37:07,214 Real heroes. 303 00:37:14,391 --> 00:37:17,570 Though they were here only a brief time 304 00:37:17,570 --> 00:37:19,879 before God called them home, 305 00:37:19,879 --> 00:37:22,629 their legacy will endure forever. 306 00:37:24,003 --> 00:37:26,972 General Douglas MacArthur once said that 307 00:37:26,972 --> 00:37:31,139 the soldier who is called upon to offer and to give his life 308 00:37:31,556 --> 00:37:35,723 for his country is the noblest development of mankind. 309 00:37:38,292 --> 00:37:42,459 Here at this hallowed shrine, we honor the noblest among us, 310 00:37:43,096 --> 00:37:45,397 the men and women who paid the ultimate price 311 00:37:45,397 --> 00:37:47,730 for victory and for freedom. 312 00:37:48,059 --> 00:37:52,226 We pay tribute to those brave souls who raced into gunfire, 313 00:37:53,102 --> 00:37:57,269 roared into battle, and ran into hell to face down evil. 314 00:38:01,734 --> 00:38:05,901 They made their sacrifice not for fame, or for money, 315 00:38:07,250 --> 00:38:10,167 or even for glory, but for country. 316 00:38:12,581 --> 00:38:16,130 We are privileged to be joined today by a man whose life 317 00:38:16,130 --> 00:38:20,213 demonstrates the values of service and sacrifice: 318 00:38:20,596 --> 00:38:23,679 Senator Bob Dole, here with his wife, 319 00:38:24,145 --> 00:38:26,062 Senator Elizabeth Dole. 320 00:38:26,355 --> 00:38:29,522 (audience applauding) 321 00:38:54,977 --> 00:38:58,644 Senator Dole fought bravely in World War II, 322 00:38:58,654 --> 00:39:01,987 and was severely wounded by German fire. 323 00:39:03,206 --> 00:39:05,553 In just a few weeks, Bob will be celebrating 324 00:39:05,553 --> 00:39:07,053 his 94th birthday. 325 00:39:08,772 --> 00:39:11,939 (audience applauding) 326 00:39:15,781 --> 00:39:19,894 And, Bob, I know I speak for millions of grateful Americans 327 00:39:19,894 --> 00:39:21,644 when I say thank you. 328 00:39:23,325 --> 00:39:24,158 (audience applauding) 329 00:39:24,158 --> 00:39:25,408 Thank you, Bob. 330 00:39:29,362 --> 00:39:32,500 We thank you not only for your service, 331 00:39:32,500 --> 00:39:36,398 but for helping us to remember your fallen comrades 332 00:39:36,398 --> 00:39:38,399 and the countless American patriots 333 00:39:38,399 --> 00:39:42,149 who gave their lives in the Second World War. 334 00:39:43,128 --> 00:39:47,295 Since the first volley of gunfire in the Revolution, 335 00:39:47,530 --> 00:39:51,399 brave Americans in every generation have answered 336 00:39:51,399 --> 00:39:55,066 the call of duty and won victory for freedom 337 00:39:55,746 --> 00:39:57,413 in its hour of need. 338 00:39:59,377 --> 00:40:03,544 Today, a new generation of American patriots are fighting 339 00:40:04,305 --> 00:40:07,305 to win the battle against terrorism, 340 00:40:07,473 --> 00:40:10,315 risking their lives to protect our citizens 341 00:40:10,315 --> 00:40:14,232 from an enemy that uses the murder of innocents 342 00:40:15,295 --> 00:40:17,878 to wage war on humanity itself. 343 00:40:20,088 --> 00:40:22,671 We are joined today by the wife 344 00:40:23,458 --> 00:40:26,208 of Specialist Christopher Horton, 345 00:40:27,049 --> 00:40:30,382 who rests on these so beautiful grounds. 346 00:40:33,260 --> 00:40:37,427 As Jane tells us, Chris was a man who loved his country 347 00:40:37,846 --> 00:40:40,263 with every part of his being. 348 00:40:41,594 --> 00:40:45,761 In 2008, Chris enlisted in the Oklahoma Army National Guard. 349 00:40:48,553 --> 00:40:51,430 He trained as a sniper, becoming known 350 00:40:51,430 --> 00:40:55,263 as one of the best shots anywhere at any time. 351 00:40:58,000 --> 00:41:00,417 He was a talented, tough guy. 352 00:41:03,558 --> 00:41:06,725 While Chris was in the National Guard, 353 00:41:07,269 --> 00:41:10,192 he was also a volunteer police officer. 354 00:41:10,192 --> 00:41:13,470 In everything he did, he was thinking about how he could 355 00:41:13,470 --> 00:41:17,637 serve God, serve his family and serve his country. 356 00:41:20,067 --> 00:41:24,234 In 2011, he deployed for the first time to Afghanistan. 357 00:41:26,096 --> 00:41:30,263 Chris knew his job was one of the most dangerous there was, 358 00:41:30,289 --> 00:41:33,579 but he was determined to go after the enemy 359 00:41:33,579 --> 00:41:35,496 at any cost to himself. 360 00:41:37,547 --> 00:41:40,179 His missions helped target and kill terrorists 361 00:41:40,179 --> 00:41:43,346 who sought to destroy innocent people. 362 00:41:44,074 --> 00:41:46,372 Just three months into his first deployment, 363 00:41:46,372 --> 00:41:50,539 Chris was near the Pakistan border, trying to eliminate 364 00:41:51,568 --> 00:41:55,151 an enemy cell that was doing so much damage 365 00:41:55,933 --> 00:41:59,516 and that was planting deadly roadside bombs 366 00:42:00,837 --> 00:42:04,670 against his unit and the units of many others. 367 00:42:05,895 --> 00:42:08,645 Standing watch with his comrades, 368 00:42:09,799 --> 00:42:13,966 he died in the ensuing gun battle with enemy forces. 369 00:42:17,515 --> 00:42:21,682 Chris sacrificed his life to protect his fellow soldiers, 370 00:42:22,623 --> 00:42:25,040 and to protect all Americans. 371 00:42:25,670 --> 00:42:27,786 He was awarded the Purple Heart 372 00:42:27,786 --> 00:42:30,453 and Bronze Star for his courage. 373 00:42:31,826 --> 00:42:35,576 At only 26 years old, Chris secured his place 374 00:42:36,493 --> 00:42:38,743 in our hearts for eternity. 375 00:42:40,435 --> 00:42:43,102 Jane, America, grieves with you. 376 00:42:44,735 --> 00:42:48,902 Our whole entire nation sends you our support, our strength, 377 00:42:51,444 --> 00:42:53,444 and our deep, deep love. 378 00:42:56,102 --> 00:43:00,019 You lost your husband, and America lost a hero. 379 00:43:01,716 --> 00:43:05,216 And together, we will preserve his memory, 380 00:43:06,135 --> 00:43:08,468 today, tomorrow, and always. 381 00:43:11,565 --> 00:43:12,898 Thank you, Jane. 382 00:43:13,657 --> 00:43:16,032 (audience applauding) 383 00:43:16,032 --> 00:43:17,365 Thank you, Jane. 384 00:43:20,266 --> 00:43:21,599 Thank you, Jane. 385 00:43:23,531 --> 00:43:26,698 (audience applauding) 386 00:43:54,390 --> 00:43:55,723 Thank you, Jane. 387 00:43:58,835 --> 00:44:02,918 We are also joined today by David and Rose Byers, 388 00:44:02,923 --> 00:44:05,756 the parents of Major Andrew Byers. 389 00:44:07,931 --> 00:44:11,771 As a boy, Andrew dreamed of the chance to attend 390 00:44:11,771 --> 00:44:15,854 the United States Military Academy at West Point. 391 00:44:16,705 --> 00:44:19,872 He worked hard, he earned that chance, 392 00:44:20,289 --> 00:44:23,706 and he graduated at the top of his class. 393 00:44:25,287 --> 00:44:29,204 He became the commander of a Special HALO team, 394 00:44:30,425 --> 00:44:34,092 leading his fellow soldiers out of aircraft, 395 00:44:34,384 --> 00:44:38,217 hurtling into dangerous and unknown territory. 396 00:44:40,926 --> 00:44:43,585 About this time last year, Andrew was sent 397 00:44:43,585 --> 00:44:46,168 on his third combat deployment. 398 00:44:47,470 --> 00:44:50,220 This time he went to Afghanistan. 399 00:44:50,669 --> 00:44:54,836 On November 3rd, he was one of 10 Special Forces operators 400 00:44:56,081 --> 00:44:59,998 to land by helicopter near a Taliban safe haven 401 00:45:00,429 --> 00:45:02,429 in northern Afghanistan. 402 00:45:03,710 --> 00:45:07,460 They trekked through a mile of waist-deep mud 403 00:45:08,776 --> 00:45:12,859 and climbed a steep cliff before finally reaching 404 00:45:14,712 --> 00:45:17,879 the village that they wanted to reach. 405 00:45:18,875 --> 00:45:21,708 There, a night-long battle ensued. 406 00:45:23,503 --> 00:45:24,969 Andrew and his team fought off 407 00:45:24,969 --> 00:45:28,719 wave after wave after wave of enemy fighters. 408 00:45:29,008 --> 00:45:33,175 A grenade detonated, and as the Taliban began to surround 409 00:45:33,766 --> 00:45:37,933 the American and Afghan forces, Andrew ran through the smoke 410 00:45:39,459 --> 00:45:43,626 and through the hail of bullets to rescue an Afghan soldier. 411 00:45:45,923 --> 00:45:49,482 In the midst of this torrent of gunfire and danger, 412 00:45:49,482 --> 00:45:52,982 Andrew worked heroically to open a gateway 413 00:45:53,787 --> 00:45:57,954 and get his men to safety, risking his life to save theirs. 414 00:46:00,106 --> 00:46:01,273 And he did it. 415 00:46:02,336 --> 00:46:04,086 Unbelievably, he did. 416 00:46:05,781 --> 00:46:09,448 But in saving those lives, Andrew was killed 417 00:46:10,542 --> 00:46:13,459 right then and there by enemy fire. 418 00:46:15,905 --> 00:46:19,655 Andrew has since been awarded the Silver Star 419 00:46:20,455 --> 00:46:22,455 for gallantry in battle. 420 00:46:23,465 --> 00:46:27,632 To his parents, David and Rose, we stand in awe of your son 421 00:46:30,536 --> 00:46:32,953 and his courageous sacrifice. 422 00:46:33,284 --> 00:46:36,262 On behalf of the American people, I express to you 423 00:46:36,262 --> 00:46:40,179 our everlasting gratitude for what your son did 424 00:46:40,521 --> 00:46:44,688 for his country, for his comrades, and for all of us. 425 00:46:46,993 --> 00:46:51,160 Andrew's father has said that he holds on to the promise 426 00:46:52,073 --> 00:46:54,490 of Joshua Chapter 1, Verse 9: 427 00:46:54,913 --> 00:46:59,080 "The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." 428 00:47:02,367 --> 00:47:03,200 Thank you. 429 00:47:03,701 --> 00:47:04,534 Thank you. 430 00:47:05,850 --> 00:47:09,017 (audience applauding) 431 00:47:09,395 --> 00:47:10,228 Thank you. 432 00:47:11,012 --> 00:47:14,179 (audience applauding) 433 00:47:48,291 --> 00:47:49,791 What a man he was. 434 00:47:56,596 --> 00:48:00,179 To every Gold Star family, God is with you, 435 00:48:01,434 --> 00:48:04,184 and your loved ones are with Him. 436 00:48:06,602 --> 00:48:10,685 They died in wars so that we could live in peace. 437 00:48:12,579 --> 00:48:16,579 I believe that God has a special place in heaven 438 00:48:16,636 --> 00:48:20,457 for those who laid down their lives so that others may live 439 00:48:20,457 --> 00:48:24,124 free from fear and this horrible oppression. 440 00:48:27,604 --> 00:48:31,771 Now let us pledge to make the most of that freedom 441 00:48:33,632 --> 00:48:37,715 that they so gallantly and brilliantly fought for 442 00:48:38,868 --> 00:48:40,951 and they died to protect. 443 00:48:41,574 --> 00:48:44,437 Let us also pledge to tell the stories 444 00:48:44,437 --> 00:48:48,270 of Robert, Chris, Andrew, and all of America's 445 00:48:49,332 --> 00:48:53,499 fallen warriors today and for the next 1,000 years. 446 00:48:59,009 --> 00:49:02,176 (audience applauding) 447 00:49:08,364 --> 00:49:12,160 And while we cannot know the extent of your pain, 448 00:49:12,160 --> 00:49:16,327 what we do know is that our gratitude to them and to you 449 00:49:18,454 --> 00:49:20,537 is boundless and undying. 450 00:49:22,666 --> 00:49:24,499 Boundless and undying. 451 00:49:27,134 --> 00:49:28,646 We'll always be there. 452 00:49:28,646 --> 00:49:29,479 Thank you. 453 00:49:31,439 --> 00:49:34,606 (audience applauding) 454 00:49:37,954 --> 00:49:42,121 Their stories are now woven into the soul of our nation, 455 00:49:42,356 --> 00:49:45,606 into the Stars and Stripes on our flag, 456 00:49:45,641 --> 00:49:49,808 and into the beating hearts of our great, great people. 457 00:49:53,591 --> 00:49:57,341 Today we also hold a special vigil for heroes 458 00:49:57,779 --> 00:50:01,612 whose story we cannot tell because their names 459 00:50:02,990 --> 00:50:06,740 are known to God alone, the unknown soldiers. 460 00:50:11,965 --> 00:50:16,132 We do not know where they came from, who they left behind, 461 00:50:18,622 --> 00:50:20,705 or what they hoped to be. 462 00:50:21,658 --> 00:50:24,075 But we do know what they did. 463 00:50:24,943 --> 00:50:29,110 They fought and they died in a great and noble act 464 00:50:29,379 --> 00:50:33,546 of loyalty and love to their families and to our country. 465 00:50:37,738 --> 00:50:40,905 The letter written that is now famous, 466 00:50:42,620 --> 00:50:46,787 one Civil War soldier captured it all and for all time. 467 00:50:48,530 --> 00:50:50,280 He wrote to his wife. 468 00:50:50,864 --> 00:50:53,496 If I do not return, my dear Sarah, 469 00:50:53,496 --> 00:50:56,246 never forget how much I love you, 470 00:50:56,542 --> 00:51:00,709 nor that when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, 471 00:51:02,397 --> 00:51:04,564 it will whisper your name. 472 00:51:07,413 --> 00:51:09,188 That is the love we hear whispering 473 00:51:09,188 --> 00:51:13,355 throughout this sacred place and from every tombstone 474 00:51:15,150 --> 00:51:17,317 on these hallowed grounds. 475 00:51:17,840 --> 00:51:20,946 It is the love that binds this earth beneath us 476 00:51:20,946 --> 00:51:25,113 and it bleeds from the hearts of all of those who died 477 00:51:26,159 --> 00:51:28,409 so that we might live free. 478 00:51:31,079 --> 00:51:33,246 We can never replace them. 479 00:51:33,848 --> 00:51:35,848 We can never repay them. 480 00:51:37,463 --> 00:51:39,713 But we can always remember. 481 00:51:41,189 --> 00:51:45,356 And today, that is what we are doing, we remember. 482 00:51:48,220 --> 00:51:50,302 Words cannot wipe away the tears 483 00:51:50,302 --> 00:51:53,135 or bring back those smiling faces. 484 00:51:53,666 --> 00:51:57,833 But if Americans just take the time to look into your eyes 485 00:51:58,606 --> 00:52:01,433 and tell you how much we thank you 486 00:52:01,433 --> 00:52:05,600 and how dearly we pray for you and how truly we love you, 487 00:52:07,434 --> 00:52:11,601 then hopefully you can find solace through your pain. 488 00:52:12,620 --> 00:52:16,787 And every time you see the sun rise over this blessed land 489 00:52:18,671 --> 00:52:21,900 please know your brave sons and daughters 490 00:52:21,900 --> 00:52:25,733 pushed away the night and delivered for us all 491 00:52:27,618 --> 00:52:30,035 that great and glorious dawn. 492 00:52:33,418 --> 00:52:34,251 Thank you. 493 00:52:34,791 --> 00:52:35,958 God bless you. 494 00:52:36,579 --> 00:52:38,912 God bless our fallen heroes. 495 00:52:39,236 --> 00:52:41,319 God bless their families. 496 00:52:41,762 --> 00:52:43,679 God bless our military. 497 00:52:44,441 --> 00:52:48,024 And God bless the United States of America. 498 00:52:50,281 --> 00:52:53,448 (audience applauding) 499 00:53:32,171 --> 00:53:34,627 - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing 500 00:53:34,627 --> 00:53:38,294 for the playing of Taps and the benediction. 501 00:54:38,440 --> 00:54:42,107 (single bugle playing Taps) 502 00:54:58,550 --> 00:55:01,050 - Now receive the benediction. 503 00:55:01,075 --> 00:55:03,214 Almighty and merciful God, 504 00:55:03,214 --> 00:55:04,957 grant to all of us grace, and peace, 505 00:55:04,957 --> 00:55:06,803 and a strong recollection 506 00:55:06,803 --> 00:55:09,753 of this national Memorial Day observance. 507 00:55:09,753 --> 00:55:11,342 May the memory of this sacred place 508 00:55:11,342 --> 00:55:13,501 and all America's sons and daughters be etched 509 00:55:13,501 --> 00:55:16,302 into our hearts and always cause us to be thankful 510 00:55:16,302 --> 00:55:19,635 for your blessings and their sacrifices. 511 00:55:19,646 --> 00:55:21,563 They shall grow not old 512 00:55:21,783 --> 00:55:23,970 as we that are left for old. 513 00:55:23,970 --> 00:55:27,629 Age shall now wear them while the years come down. 514 00:55:27,629 --> 00:55:30,853 At the going down of the Sun and in the morning 515 00:55:30,853 --> 00:55:32,686 we will remember them. 516 00:55:33,072 --> 00:55:33,905 Amen. 517 00:55:36,139 --> 00:55:38,204 - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in place 518 00:55:38,204 --> 00:55:42,371 until the President has departed and the colors are retired. 519 00:55:54,310 --> 00:55:57,477 (audience applauding) 520 00:56:26,009 --> 00:56:29,759 (band playing lively melody)