Archive: 2011

May 20, 2011

Ninth cohort of Afghan National Army military police soldiers graduate

PARWAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan (May 20, 2011) — The ninth cohort of Afghan National Army (ANA) military police soldiers graduated from the phase one of the Detention Operations Transition Course Thursday, May 19, 2011.

May 19, 2011

Troops seeking Taliban leader kill insurgent

WASHINGTON (May 16, 2011) — A combined Afghan and coalition force killed an insurgent in the Sayed Abad district of Afghanistan's Wardak province yesterday while searching for a Taliban leader, military officials reported.

May 18, 2011

Fallen Army journalist honored at Newseum

WASHINGTON (May 18, 2011) — Army Staff Sgt. James Hunter is remembered for lots of things. His fellow soldiers will tell you he was a hard worker, selfless and dedicated to his soldiers and their mission. His family will tell you that he loved Kentucky basketball and, above all else, he loved his country.

May 18, 2011

Course helps Afghan aircrew communicate, stay safe

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan (May 18, 2011) — Afghan Air Force pilots and aircrew were taught an aircrew coordination training class May 14 at Kandahar Airfield.

May 18, 2011

Deployed soldier becomes U.S. citizen

GHAZNI PROVINCE, Afghanistan (May 18, 2011) — Members of the provincial reconstruction team here welcomed their newest American citizen May 5 with a party dubbed “Cinco de Santos.”

May 18, 2011

Increased cooperation between locals, military leads to several caches

PAKTYA PROVINCE, Afghanistan (May 18, 2011) — With tips from local villagers, U.S. and Afghan forces in Zormat District, Afghanistan, eliminated many weapons caches May 5-9.

May 13, 2011

Navy military police battalion changes command, swaps crew

PARWAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan (May 13, 2011) — U.S. Navy Military Police Battalion-Afghanistan, Task Group Trident, changed hands during a change of command and crew swap ceremony Saturday, May 7, on board a mock ship outside the battalion headquarters here.

May 12, 2011

CJIATF-435 delivers supplies to juvenile rehabilitation center

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 12, 2011) — Members from Combined Joint Interagency Task Force-435 visited a juvenile rehabilitation center in Kabul May 8 to distribute personal hygiene kits, towels, and school supplies to the youth at the center.

May 11, 2011

Afghans lead poppy eradication operations

ZABUL, Afghanistan (May 5, 2011) — Under the direction of Zabul Provincial Gov. Ashraf Naseri, over 90 Afghan National Security Force, or ANSF, members conducted the first poppy eradication event this year in Zabul province, Afghanistan.

May 9, 2011

Corps unleashes Labradors in counter-IED fight

CAMP DWYER, Helmand province, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (May 9, 2011) — The Marine Corps believes it has found the right dog for the counter-IED fight, but it’s not the traditional military working dog.